Psychology behind breast fetishism

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I was wondering if you ever thought about why you are a breast fetishist.

I really try to understand this from a more rational/scientific/psychological point of view. I can tell you that I am a breast fetishist. In my childhood I got a very classical and strict education. We didn't talk a lot about feelings and my mother was and is still a psychologically very unstable person and my father was working A LOT. Mayby as a middle child (older brother/younger sister) I didn't get so much attention in my childhood. I can add that I am a very intelligent person (140+ IQ, studied math). But I don't know if that has something to do with my breast fetishism.

Sometimes it can be really annoying/a real problem being a breast fetishist, when the girlfriend does not match your "requirements".

What do you think? Does it have something to do with education/DNA or something else? Maybe the desire for security? The absence of maternal attention? I don't know.

I am very curious about your answer!
(Sorry for my bad English, I am not a native speaker.)
I'm just here to enjoy boobs without thinking about the psychology behind it all. Unless there is a shrink with huge boobs, then I'd perk up a bit.
I guess it's a primitive reaction, I see huge tits and my neurons activate
When I was about 8-9 years old I thought to myself, what’s better ass or tits? I reasoned to myself that tits must be better because I have an ass of my own so they can’t be all that special.

Plus saw a video about breastfeeding during class around the same time and my young mind was fixated with breasts, knowing that they had this special power to form a bond between woman and child.

Of course the level of breast fetishism has only increased with age and exposure to boobs online and in real life. Back when I was a kid Pammy Anderson was the pinnacle, nowadays I wouldn’t even pay her a second glance mostly because the boobs are nothing special but also because she’s aged quite a lot (did consider getting my picture taken with her at an expo a few years back but couldn’t be fucked queuing up).
For me personally I ALWAYS loved or was interested in big breasts. Some of my memories beginn where I was about 4 years old and I had admired a mother from an other boy in the daycare because she was pregnant and busty. And years after that as a c***d, as a Teenager and now as an adult I always had fantasies about playing with big boobs and sucking nipples. And especially as a c***d, there wasn‘t a sexual attraction just curiously about big boobs.

Do you guys have any similar feelings through all these years?
I don't think it's right to call it a fetish, because I think a fetish suggests something abnormal. Men are turned on by big tits, and that is why women have them. I think it's correct to say that humans are the only mammal where the female has permanently enlarged mammaries. Female chimps and other primates only have tits when they are lactating. And the presence of permanent breasts is some sort of sexual signal, though I don't think the reason is well understood.

So to my mind guys who like big tits are normal, and the fetishists are the weirdoes that like small tits....
I saw a movie when I was younger and these terrorists had taken over this place and had taken hostages.

In one of the scenes one of the terrorists had taken this busty girl into one of the offices and had her sitting on a desk and began to remove her shirt and fondle her breasts.

The girls co worker walks in on them and says to the girl “what are you doing” and the girl says she wants to live.

That’s when I realized what you could do with boobs, and have been wanting to play out that scene for Many years
This is just God’s program in place to make sure we don’t go extinct lol it isn’t that complicated
I don't think it's right to call it a fetish, because I think a fetish suggests something abnormal. Men are turned on by big tits, and that is why women have them. I think it's correct to say that humans are the only mammal where the female has permanently enlarged mammaries. Female chimps and other primates only have tits when they are lactating. And the presence of permanent breasts is some sort of sexual signal, though I don't think the reason is well understood.

So to my mind guys who like big tits are normal, and the fetishists are the weirdoes that like small tits....
I categorize fantasy and a fetish as:
Fantasy - something you have never done but think about regularly and want to do it.
Fetish - Something you've done and cant stop thinking about. And want it more and more.
I saw a movie when I was younger and these terrorists had taken over this place and had taken hostages.

In one of the scenes one of the terrorists had taken this busty girl into one of the offices and had her sitting on a desk and began to remove her shirt and fondle her breasts.

The girls co worker walks in on them and says to the girl “what are you doing” and the girl says she wants to live.

That’s when I realized what you could do with boobs, and have been wanting to play out that scene for Many years
Sounds like a movie the late Anna Nicole Smith did called Skyscraper. Was it from the 90s?
Playboys and nude mags/Pamela Anderson
Growing up in the 80s, NYC, I cam vividly remember feeling "some kinda way" walking the streets with fam and being able to spot them at the paper stands etc...
Baywatch also helped push me in the titty direction, I was absolutely obsessed with that women back then!
Looked through a breastfeeding book when I was a young boy and one woman had massive engorged tits. Been hooked like it’s heroin ever since.

My absolute weakness is a petite frame with large, milk-filled natural breasts.
The most interesting theory regarding lust that I encountered is by George Bataille.
To sum him up: in contrast to animals, humans work, work being the making and executing of plans, in contrast to following our instincts.
To do so, we must control our instincts. That which triggers our instincts becomes forbidden, taboo.

Big breasts are in the first place a body part of the woman who has them. Breasts do have a function in nurturing babies, but apart from that, they don´t serve functions as other multifunction body parts do: feet, legs, arms, hands, fingers, head and face - we use these to express ourselves, to position ourselves in the world. My gestures, my facial expressions, they show my personality.
There are endless options what a woman can do with her breasts - show them, hide them, whatever, but the breasts themselves are no tools for directly manipulating something like hands.
Lacking muscle, big breasts are mostly something that is present.
Contemplating big breasts makes me think of physical aspects of being: they take up an amount of space, have a certain weight, a certain form, they move and jiggle depending on the woman´s movements plus gravity and other relevant physics laws, they have a fullness, softness, warmth...

So when encountering a woman with huge breasts in society, her shape reminds me of the physicality of having a body. This is a fundamental human experience, but it´s also a problematic one. Having a body means getting sick, aging, ultimately dying, you name it.
We stylize ourselves, wear clothes, have a certain haircut, think of ourselves as persons who do something - have a certain job - or have a specific personality to overcome this.

But look at her, she may have a hobby, character traits, individual talents and interests, but all I see are how her breasts jiggle when she walks.
The jiggle is a physical phenomenon, not an expression of her intentions, opinions or her personality. Of course it can be intended to manipulate, but that is another story.
To concentrate on the jiggle means to relate to the physicality of being human in a light way, it´s the upside of having a body. To simply contemplate or experience physicality takes us out of the complicated realm of contradicting feelings, complex decisions, problems to solve, social expectations to navigate.
The sensual thing to do would be to interact with her physical presence - to touch and manipulate her breasts, to check the weight, the form.
For me, at least.
Of course, this is taboo and in between the urge and the taboo sexual tension rises.


Many people prefer other aspects symbolizing physicality:
stinky feet, handcuffs, butts, whatever...

I´m not sure why big breasts are a dominant stimulus for me, but I know I was endlessly facinated by cow udders giving milk as a kid.
This question about why men like and prefer large breasts (and large butts too) has been answered by evolutionary psychologists (read David Buss for the most clear explanations), but for some reason isn’t widespread knowledge.

In primate species - when adult females are ovulating, their breasts expand (from completely flat beestings to B/C cup) for the sole purpose of signalling ovulation.

For other primate species, their buttocks grow large and red to signal ovulation to potential male mating partners.

These ovulation signals are both present in human women, in the form of large breasts and large asses with the sole purpose of signallling 24/7 ovulation to any male that sees their breasts or buttocks (clothes on or not).
The reason women’s bodies have evolved for signalling 24/7 ovulation is to gain resources and time in addition to protection and mate guarding behaviour from their male partners - which is one of the biggest reasons human evolution has accelerated at a much faster pace than all other species.

When primate female ovulation is observed, this is only for 4-5 days out of the month. The male primate only mate guards their female mate for just those 4-5 days when he can clearly see she’s ovulating (to make sure another male doesn’t cuckold him and impregnate his wife in this ovulation period).
Then the rest of the month when his female mate is clearly not ovulating - he pays no attention to her whatsoever - she’s on her own and has to fend for herself, for the most part without protection and with very little resources and attention from their male primate partner.

Where primate ovulation is obvious, human women’s ovulation is completely hidden, even from the women themselves, and is often inconsistent timing with the ovulation time/days changing every other month, the same with their period.
Therefore, human women avoid this mate guarding (displayed by primates) due to male men not knowing when their female partner is ovulating but in addition, it also appears as though human women are ovulating all month/all year round with their breasts and buttocks always being large (not flat like female primates are when not ovulating).

Human women having hidden real ovulation (eggs dropping) and (false) ovulation signals 24/7 (large breasts and butts) has inspired men to work, innovate and produce and protect and mate guard their female mate all month/year long, rather than just for 4-5 days per month (like male primates).

Additionaly, it’s been proven that while breasts serve a dual purpose for feeding milk to babies, there is no relationship between breast size (before first pregnancy) and amount of milk produced or ability to produce milk.
Milk production is a needs based signalling system with milk production cues derived from hormones triggerered by pregnancy and/or nipple suction (either one or both).

Women’s buttocks are the same - there is no evidence that large buttocks on women serves any survival purpose. Studies have showed that women with large buttocks (more fat in their butt) were more likely to survive a famine - but this wasn’t conclusive because any woman with more overall body fat would also be more likely to survive a famine regardless of how much fat was in their butt.

So this is the reason human men prefer women with large breasts, big asses, small waists, big hips (signal easier birth), flat stomach (signal youth, ready to be pregnanr and not currently being pregnant or never been pregnant, on a biological level).
I hope this helps everyone understand why they like what they like - it’s a programmed biological response.
I was wondering if you ever thought about why you are a breast fetishist.

I really try to understand this from a more rational/scientific/psychological point of view. I can tell you that I am a breast fetishist. In my childhood I got a very classical and strict education. We didn't talk a lot about feelings and my mother was and is still a psychologically very unstable person and my father was working A LOT. Mayby as a middle child (older brother/younger sister) I didn't get so much attention in my childhood. I can add that I am a very intelligent person (140+ IQ, studied math). But I don't know if that has something to do with my breast fetishism.

Sometimes it can be really annoying/a real problem being a breast fetishist, when the girlfriend does not match your "requirements".

What do you think? Does it have something to do with education/DNA or something else? Maybe the desire for security? The absence of maternal attention? I don't know.

I am very curious about your answer!
(Sorry for my bad English, I am not a native speaker.)
I think about it a lot. Then I remember the Venus of Willendorf, and all the other Venus statues carved throughout time. That makes me smile because I know I lust after what hundreds of thousands of years of men have lusted after; real, thick, plush, curvy and ample women. NOT heroin chic, spider like girls.
Not a psychologist, not done any research, blah blah blah disclaimers to avoid people assuming I'm talking fact when I'm merely hypothesising via my own life experiences. Armchair psychology etc.

First we have to accept that humans as a species have a more fractured sexuality than most animals do. Rule of thumb in the animal kingdom is that animals look for a specific criteria in a mate, be it a visual indicator such as a plumage, a verbal signal like a mating call, a scent or some action a female may make to indicate to a male that they are willing to mate. But humans are different, we don't have one singular rule of attraction (or even one for each gender). There are heterosexual men who are aroused by small breasts, men who are aroused by large breasts, and men for whom breasts don't even factor into arousal, and it's all about the butt, hips, legs or feet, as well as men for whom looks don't matter so much as an accepted paraphernalia like bondage, the sound of someone's voice, or certain outfits. Two heterosexual males can look for very different things in an effort to find a mate.

Then secondly, in order to explain an attraction to big breasts, we have to accept that no human is born sexually ready, that sexual development occurs over time, and with that comes the development and growth of breasts. I believe that, for many people, an attraction to breasts is precisely because it's one of the more obvious visual indicators that a female is now able to reproduce. This, I think, is true of all breast attraction, even the men who like AA_cups are likely drawn to the differentiation in how an adult females nipples look. This is why the average woman isn't completely flat chested, even if there's no practical reason to have large breasts - it's to display that they are sexually mature.

Now different people will view attraction to big boobs in different ways. For some, it's the size and the shape, often in conjunction with other features of the women (i.e. the attraction to purely slim & stacked versus attraction to plus sized women), for others it's purely the size, for others still sag will play a part as an indicator of age (keeping in mind that human females enter into a state later in life where they can no longer reproduce - sagging can be viewed as indicative of an older mate and therefore a reduced timeframe to successfully reproduce).

This, I think, is why we're drawn to bigger breasts, because we've made the unconscious connection that breast size is either directly or indirectly correlated to a woman's sexual maturity. A woman with J cups is seen as more sexually mature than a woman with G cups. Of course, biologically speaking this is false, a woman can be sexually mature and be as flat as an ironing board, but this is how it is understood by big breast fetishists.

We fundamentally are drawn to big boobs because we think the woman who has them is most likely to be fully sexually mature, and thus our best chances of a viable mating partner to reproduce with.
When i was a baby i was feeded with a bottle - quite no breast feeding. I was also several weeks in hospital after my birth... without any contact to my mother.
I am pretty sure both had a psychological input on me. Possibly the breast fetish is in some way a part of this.

I also have cognitive problems so its easier for me to focus on very noticeable things in my environment. So this may also be the reason why I prefer big boobs. 🤔

I was already interested in big boobs when I was a young boy. There had been no special event which triggered my fetish.
Just the size of the boobs I was interested in changed : When I was a young boy I preferred natural or fake ~DD-cups, as a student I preferred fake ~F-cups and since 10 years I am interested in fake ~J-cups.
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