Psychology behind breast fetishism

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I did read those formal studies you cited first. Those studies had extremely small group sizes (95 people and under), it’s hard to take much from them. Like, Somoans and Africans like “very large breasts” whereas New Zealanders like “Medium Breasts”.

The second informal study has more people (2,000) but is a lot less controlled.
I took a very interesting anomaly from this survey:
American women with breasts from E-F cup sizes or larger are overwhelming unsatisfied with their breasts (22% satisfaction vs. the average 69% satisfaction).
The same size UK and European women with a E-F bust size or larger were SIGNIFICANTLY happier with their breast size than the average (average: 69%) to the point where almost ALL of them were satisfied.
Why would women with very large breasts be significantly more satisfied with their breasts if others didn’t find them more attractive/more attention/more mating options? Having breasts that large means more back problems, more expensive custom bras, less clothes that fit etc etc. - the only upside being more attention/better choice of men for those very big chested women.
If most men aren’t interested in very large breasts (E cup or larger) why would those women be significantly more satisfied with their breast size than women with small or medium breasts?

On Hitomi Tanaka:
She’s mid-30’s now so her new content isn’t going to be as well received because she’s alot older than new pornstars, which would explain why 2020 wouldn’t have been her best year for popularity, because everyone’s already seen her videos when she was in her peak (early-m I would say look over the past 5 years and she’s top 5/10.

According to this, she’s the 4th most popular pornstar after Lisa Ann and Mia Khalifa:
There are plenty of other huge breasted pornstars that were mega popular - look at Lucie Wilde. She was all round good looking with enormous boobs but had terribly boring sex with the same guy and was still mega popular.
So again, Hitomi isn’t the only one.

While I did indeed link to a survey that also contained data on female satisfaction with breasts, we're not really discussing this from the female perspective. This is about attraction to large breasts, not the satisfaction of the people with them.

But, to reiterate again, here's the part of all of my responses you continue to overlook: Can you, as an individual who is here because he loves busty women, get off to any porn involving a woman who does not have big boobs?

Your entire arguments have been built around the assumption that the people here simply have different preferences to the average man, and we prioritise breasts over other features. But if what you claim is true, in that it's only a preference, then it should not matter if the woman in the porn you're watching has a C cup or a KK cup. After all, you already cited several 'busty' women in the C cup range. So can you ignore your 'preference' for big boobs in porn? As if you can't, it's a fetish - something you need present in order to get off.
While I did indeed link to a survey that also contained data on female satisfaction with breasts, we're not really discussing this from the female perspective. This is about attraction to large breasts, not the satisfaction of the people with them.

But, to reiterate again, here's the part of all of my responses you continue to overlook: Can you, as an individual who is here because he loves busty women, get off to any porn involving a woman who does not have big boobs?

Your entire arguments have been built around the assumption that the people here simply have different preferences to the average man, and we prioritise breasts over other features. But if what you claim is true, in that it's only a preference, then it should not matter if the woman in the porn you're watching has a C cup or a KK cup. After all, you already cited several 'busty' women in the C cup range. So can you ignore your 'preference' for big boobs in porn? As if you can't, it's a fetish - something you need present in order to get off.

First of all, the anomaly in the almost 100% satisfaction with their own E Cup or larger breasts (in the survey) points to something more when it’s so much higher than ALL other women with smaller breasts (69% satisfaction on average).

Why is this? If you deduct all the downsides of having very breasts are numerous and the only upsides of having very breasts, for those women, are because they’re more sexual attractive to men/beat their smaller chested female competion for men - because there is no other upsides to very large breasts.
So why would very large breasted women be so satisfied in your opinion?

I’ve dated (and therefore travelled and been seen in public with) several slim, very big chested G Cup+ (Australian sizes) women and they ALL get CONSTANT unwavering male (and alot of female) ATTENTION everywhere we go.
Parties - everyone wants to talk to them. Big breasted women are almost always the leaders in their friendship groups (unless they’re really fat/ugly in other areas).

The point I’m making, which is aluded to by the UK/European women with huge tits having almost perfect satisfaction in that survey, is that there are many many unseen or acknowledged benefits to having very large breasts and these very big chested women know that.
Many men LIE about their chest preferences - I know tonnes of guys who don’t really date chesty girls or care about it.
Then I bring my girlfriend around and they can’t take their eyes off her tits and they’re drooling all over thhe place looking at her huge tits. I’ve seen this happen dozens and dozens and dozens of times, it’s so predictable.
More guys like huge breasts than they admit.

Women with huge breasts and slim bodies know they almost have a magic power - women see the non-verbal feedback they get from men (and women) all the time - so they understand exactly what effect their tits have on everyone - and that’s why the girls with huge tits are so satisfied.

I like porn with girls with huge breasts, but. I’ve liked porn with girls that are B or C cup aswell.

The point that alot of these other posters keep insisting on is that liking huge tits is a fetish, it isn’t. There’s literally nothing fetish about it, it’s just a preference that is quite common.
I agree.. if the "we like big tits and asses because they are evolutionary cues to fertility" theory was correct, we would be thinking about raising kids all the time, and not just be content with sex... When I'm sucking on a tit I don't think "oohhhh just imagine how good this will be for my future baby, oohh she will make such a good mother, look at all these fertility cues humm", no I just wanna dive my face and dick in it. And having a kid is the absolute last thing on my head, actually, if she was sterile it would be the best thing ever and that would in no way deter my boner.

We like big breasts because it just FEELS GOOD, more skin to interact with, therefore more pleasure, more stimulation. It's that simple.. but guys think there must be a complex scientific reason for absolute everything, even something as subjective as breast fetishism, and then they end up with all these crazy BS explanations.
I agree.. if the "we like big tits and asses because they are evolutionary cues to fertility" theory was correct, we would be thinking about raising kids all the time, and not just be content with sex... When I'm sucking on a tit I don't think "oohhhh just imagine how good this will be for my future baby, oohh she will make such a good mother, look at all these fertility cues humm", no I just wanna dive my face and dick in it. And having a kid is the absolute last thing on my head, actually, if she was sterile it would be the best thing ever and that would in no way deter my boner.

We like big breasts because it just FEELS GOOD, more skin to interact with, therefore more pleasure, more stimulation. It's that simple.. but guys think there must be a complex scientific reason for absolute everything, even something as subjective as breast fetishism, and then they end up with all these crazy BS explanations.
Agreed , psychology is bullshit and it’s literally just guessing .
Agreed , psychology is bullshit and it’s literally just guessing .

Did you actually read the post? There is no psychology involved whatsoever, nor guessing.
This is drawn from DIRECT OBSERVATION of ALL primates and other animals species.
How is that psychology?
And how is observing the exact same behaviour in ALL primates and many animals bullshit?
I like porn with girls with huge breasts, but. I’ve liked porn with girls that are B or C cup aswell.

The point that alot of these other posters keep insisting on is that liking huge tits is a fetish, it isn’t. There’s literally nothing fetish about it, it’s just a preference that is quite common.
I can accept you do not have a fetish for big boobs.

I cannot accept it's not a fetish.

The reason I cannot accept it's not a fetish is entirely anecdotal to myself and my own desires. I simply do not find someone with breasts as small as a C cup attractive. A woman with a chest that small is as attractive to me as a sandwich is. Doesn't matter how great the rest of their features are, how good they are at foreplay/teasing/romance etc. if they lack breasts, it simply does nothing for me.

All my favourite positions have the breasts visible. I love dirty talk that focuses on how huge the woman's breasts are. I absolutely adore burying my face into some big fat tits while sucking their nipples, and I love to squeeze and fondle breasts. Take that off limits and sex simply isn't as enjoyable.

When I first met my current partner, she was a GG cup. Over time, she grew to a J cup, and I absolutely adored every single time she got refitted. Even though the growth was extremely slow, and virtually imperceptible, the knowledge that her boobs were bigger was incredibly arousing. The difference between the day before a fitting and the day of a fitting was absolutely nothing, but somehow just knowing that 'letter-go-up' filled me with lust.

She later lost some of that and went down to a HH. A single cup size reduction, arguably a correction on an earlier mis-fitting, or the difference in measurements of two different brands. Again, completely imperceptible, but still somehow demoralising to me. In numerical terms only, her boobs had shrunk, yet I was dejected for it because I was, and still am, obsessed with the quantifiable hugeness of her chest. Despite HH being in the large sizes, I still fantasise about her growing even more, and wish she would keep growing to beyond what's practical for everyday life. If she woke up tomorrow with a pair of P cups it would be a nightmare for her in terms of practicality, but I would find it impossible not to want to do her every which way possible.

And even to this day, despite having been with my partner for over a decade, and loving her now more than I have ever loved anyone, knowing that I want to spend the rest of my life with this incredible woman, I still know if there's anything that would see me cheat on her, it's going to be a woman with boobs so much bigger than hers. Even just a woman with a pair of K's hitting on me would be enough to make me consider throwing away what's been the best relationship I've ever had, just for some bigger boobs. But I can't help but think this, even though I would prefer not to think like this.

I genuinely wish I had big boobs as a preference and didn't fetishize them. It would make life so much easier to not fall over myself every time I saw a pair of gigantic tits in public. It would be so much better to not constantly crave bigger and bigger sizes and fantasies of larger breasts that won't ever happen. It would be so much simpler if I could just enjoy my partner for her entire body, and not be so focused on one single area, sometimes even to her annoyance.

But at the end of the day, I am a completely shallow bastard who needs big boobs for his sexual pleasure. Can't get off without at least a pair of G's visible, not at all interested in the 'most attractive women' who are smaller, and constantly wishing for impractical sizes. And I've tried, lord knows I've tried. I've dated smaller women, I've abstained from busty porn to see if I can "reset" myself. I've even held off masturbating entirely just to see if I get horny enough to want the B cups you're able to get off to, and none of it works. I can't switch off my need for big boobs for sexual release, any more than a gay guy can be aroused by a vagina. I'm stuck needing big boobs to get off, it's part of my sexuality, and if that doesn't make it a fetish, then I don't even know what the word fetish means.

And that's why I refuse you notion that this is not a fetish, and is just some evolutionary preference. Because I know I do not work that way, and I know I am not alone in not working that way. If you can work that way, great, I'm glad for you, it must be nice to be able to be satiated with more readily available sizes. But that's not me, that's not my life, and that's not how my fetish works.
I can accept you do not have a fetish for big boobs.

I cannot accept it's not a fetish.

The reason I cannot accept it's not a fetish is entirely anecdotal to myself and my own desires. I simply do not find someone with breasts as small as a C cup attractive. A woman with a chest that small is as attractive to me as a sandwich is. Doesn't matter how great the rest of their features are, how good they are at foreplay/teasing/romance etc. if they lack breasts, it simply does nothing for me.

All my favourite positions have the breasts visible. I love dirty talk that focuses on how huge the woman's breasts are. I absolutely adore burying my face into some big fat tits while sucking their nipples, and I love to squeeze and fondle breasts. Take that off limits and sex simply isn't as enjoyable.

When I first met my current partner, she was a GG cup. Over time, she grew to a J cup, and I absolutely adored every single time she got refitted. Even though the growth was extremely slow, and virtually imperceptible, the knowledge that her boobs were bigger was incredibly arousing. The difference between the day before a fitting and the day of a fitting was absolutely nothing, but somehow just knowing that 'letter-go-up' filled me with lust.

She later lost some of that and went down to a HH. A single cup size reduction, arguably a correction on an earlier mis-fitting, or the difference in measurements of two different brands. Again, completely imperceptible, but still somehow demoralising to me. In numerical terms only, her boobs had shrunk, yet I was dejected for it because I was, and still am, obsessed with the quantifiable hugeness of her chest. Despite HH being in the large sizes, I still fantasise about her growing even more, and wish she would keep growing to beyond what's practical for everyday life. If she woke up tomorrow with a pair of P cups it would be a nightmare for her in terms of practicality, but I would find it impossible not to want to do her every which way possible.

And even to this day, despite having been with my partner for over a decade, and loving her now more than I have ever loved anyone, knowing that I want to spend the rest of my life with this incredible woman, I still know if there's anything that would see me cheat on her, it's going to be a woman with boobs so much bigger than hers. Even just a woman with a pair of K's hitting on me would be enough to make me consider throwing away what's been the best relationship I've ever had, just for some bigger boobs. But I can't help but think this, even though I would prefer not to think like this.

I genuinely wish I had big boobs as a preference and didn't fetishize them. It would make life so much easier to not fall over myself every time I saw a pair of gigantic tits in public. It would be so much better to not constantly crave bigger and bigger sizes and fantasies of larger breasts that won't ever happen. It would be so much simpler if I could just enjoy my partner for her entire body, and not be so focused on one single area, sometimes even to her annoyance.

But at the end of the day, I am a completely shallow bastard who needs big boobs for his sexual pleasure. Can't get off without at least a pair of G's visible, not at all interested in the 'most attractive women' who are smaller, and constantly wishing for impractical sizes. And I've tried, lord knows I've tried. I've dated smaller women, I've abstained from busty porn to see if I can "reset" myself. I've even held off masturbating entirely just to see if I get horny enough to want the B cups you're able to get off to, and none of it works. I can't switch off my need for big boobs for sexual release, any more than a gay guy can be aroused by a vagina. I'm stuck needing big boobs to get off, it's part of my sexuality, and if that doesn't make it a fetish, then I don't even know what the word fetish means.

And that's why I refuse you notion that this is not a fetish, and is just some evolutionary preference. Because I know I do not work that way, and I know I am not alone in not working that way. If you can work that way, great, I'm glad for you, it must be nice to be able to be satiated with more readily available sizes. But that's not me, that's not my life, and that's not how my fetish works.
Yeah, nice long post with anecdotes and no actual evidence.

Do you know what psycholigists constitute as a “fetish”. Liking very large breasts has never qualified as a fetish ever in the history of time, that I’m aware of.

Researchers, biologists, Psychologists, zoologists and anyone that studies humans, our biology has never considered male attraction to large breasts as a “fetish”.

What evidence is there of this being an official fetish in any capacity? Or consituting a fetish by large groups of people? The research posted above - none of it referred to liking large breasts as a fetish.
What evidence is there of this being an official fetish in any capacity? Or consituting a fetish by large groups of people? The research posted above - none of it referred to liking large breasts as a fetish.
I'm sorry, I didn't realise there was a licensing board and committees dedicating to figuring out if something is to be legally recognised as an official fetish.

If we're really going to argue semantics, here's the dictionary definition of the word 'fetish'. Note definition 1c (emphasis mine):
1c: an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
As for where the evidence is, it's literally all around you here. My own testimony fits that dictionary definition, and I'd wager good money this is true for other people here as well. I'm sorry there hasn't been a peer reviewed study of over ten thousand men who jerk off to the likes of Leanne Crow, alongside a control group of people who prefer the more typical range of breasts to confirm the actual differences between the two groups, as most studies seem to only take a sample of men at random and observe sex as a whole, not the niches in the gaps like with the less 'vanilla' fetishes such as furries.

I fully accept that breast fetishism is one of the more 'vanilla' fetishes. We're not obsessed with a particular set of clothing, the presence of a certain unconventional bodily fluid and our attraction goes to a body part that technically most men are into some variation of. This makes it harder to accept as a fetish precisely because "all straight men like boobs", for the evolutionary reasons you pointed out previously. Where you're coming unstuck is that you're failing to account for the fact that there is overlap between the people who are happy to take whatever size, and the fetishists who need the bigger sizes. The former group (which you are evidently a member of) do not have a fetish, the latter (whom you dismiss despite being surrounded by them) do.

Furthermore, all of your evidence has only explained why men like boobs. It has never offered an explanation for why some men actively want significantly larger than average boobs. After all, if your theory is true, and it's all about 'indicators of fertility', then there's no practical reason anyone should ever desire more than a C cup, as a C cup is clearly large enough to indicate fertility, but also small enough to not be impractical and a hinderance to the woman that has to carry them.

As this thread has devolved we have dragged things away from the core topic at hand allowing you to avoid the main question of the thread, namely why would a guy be into bigger than average breasts, to the point where such breasts could be a handicap to a potential mate? If it's evolutionary biology, no man would want his child raised by a woman who has a weakness like that and could not run from danger as effectively as someone with a smaller chest. Survival of a child would depend on survival of a parent, so you wouldn't want an intentional handicap such as two giant sacks of fat weighing you down. So why would anyone be interested in a significantly larger than average chest (I'm talking K cups here, where they go flying all over the place if you run) if it's all an evolutionary dictated preference, and not a fetish?

So lets start over. Why do some men find a woman with K cups arousing when such things have absolutely no evolutionary benefit, and even an AA cup can breastfeed and be viewed as fertile? Why do some men 'prefer' the middle/end of the alphabet of bra sizes over the start, when all boob sizes have nipples and can breastfeed? Why are some men drawn to larger busts when there's no practical or evolutionary advantage to having one, and seeking one out narrows the pool of potential mates?
Yeah, nice long post with anecdotes and no actual evidence.

Do you know what psycholigists constitute as a “fetish”. Liking very large breasts has never qualified as a fetish ever in the history of time, that I’m aware of.

Researchers, biologists, Psychologists, zoologists and anyone that studies humans, our biology has never considered male attraction to large breasts as a “fetish”.

What evidence is there of this being an official fetish in any capacity? Or consituting a fetish by large groups of people? The research posted above - none of it referred to liking large breasts as a fetish.
Do you mind making one post with all the evidence listed thus far through this thread? No opinions or anecdotes just the data.
Watching the thread; hopefully it'll stay civil and we will respect one another's opinion or agree to disagree.

My own pithy two cents:

I do not accept my love of big boobs as a fetish. Do those who go after "titless" and flat-assed, skeletal women have a fetish?
Then I don't have a fetish either.

Just as humans are different (height, weight, eye color etc) so also is our sexual tastes, such that everyone will find someone.
"Scientists" (read as "agenda-pushing folks") always try to "explain" or "medicalise" what does not fit their view of what should be normal.
That's the reason why I laugh when they have a name for a big ass (steatopygia) in order to make it look like a disease, but then have no name for the flat-assed, ironing board types. Yeah right!

Some love tall girls, some love short, some love small boobs, some love big, some love skinnies, some love BBWs, some love Whites only, some love Blacks only, some whatever! No fetishism, all love.
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Watching the thread; hopefully it'll stay civil and we will respect one another's opinion or agree to disagree.

My own pithy two cents:

I do not accept my love of big boobs as a festish. Do those who go after "titless" and flat-assed, skeletal women have a fetish?
Then I don't have a festish either.

Just as humans are different (height, weight, eye color etc) so also is our sexual tastes, such that everyone will find someone.
"Scientists" (read as "agenda-pushing folks") always try to "explain" or "medicalise" what does not fit their view of what should be normal.
That's the reason why I laugh when they have a name for a big ass (steatopygia) in order to make it look like a disease, but then have no name for the flat-assed, ironing board types. Yeah right!

Some love tall girls, some love short, some love small boobs, some love big, some love skinnies, some love BBWs, some love Whites only, some love Blacks only, some whatever! No fetishism, all love.
You nailed it, buddy. Also technically speaking a fetish involves "props" or some object as in clothing, although we can understand it beyond that, as in a foot fetish, or a body part. Sexual preferences are just what they are, regardless of what someone else thinks. We now live in an era where there is so much more communal info that we can all see we are numerous in our loves of bodies and their various individual parts.
In my first language, when we say fetish, it's usually a kind of minority taste (BDSM, playing with excretion, liking disabilities per se, etc.) Being a fan of certain height/body size/hair style/bust size/waist size/ethnicity is not a fetish. It's called preference/likes.

In real practice, also in my culture, since huge boobs (usually on European or African women) are rare, if you like boobs larger than F cups, some other guys might think "wait, this is so large that it looks weird" and that's all. I don't care what they say and I proceed with my usual crushes/dates who's barely anywhere F cups, and appreciate those who have smaller/exactly/larger than F cups.

Women from my culture also tend to be skinny on the global level, so there's a more popular kind of vanilla preference as being a fan of shapely/long legs. Well, yeah, if you like long legs, that sounds more normal of a straight guy than if you say you like Hitomi-level boobs which most women might freak out and say negative things (lol).
Dating and having sex with small chested women has made me realize those relationships always feel incomplete. There was always something missing. Never held it against them. However if they had big tits I would’ve been a better person in that I would let them win arguments more and just overall more considerate. Nowadays even if I really like a girl I won’t step up to the plate and shoot my shot if she doesn’t have big tits cause I’d just be wasting her time. And thats hard. It hurts. I really wish I didn’t have a breast fetish. I wish I didn’t love boobs so much. It’s inconvenient. I’ve missed out on true love and marriage cause the tits weren’t big enough to keep me motivated to make it work.
It's just the beauty of a woman with extremely feminine traits. The 'other-ness' of the body. As long as i can remember I've loved busty women - before I even knew what to do with them! It's just some kind of core draw, a longing.

Dreice, I read your comment. Don't give up. We never know when we'll fall in love, or someone will fall in love with us. She might even be so amazing that you're willing to overlook the small-breast thing. It has happened to me, even though it's what I am primarily attracted to. Keep looking!
Same goes for me at the 2. Point
Same for me as well. Breastfeeding made me a slave to tits. I remember watching a Latina mom with huge boobs breastfeeding across from me when I was younger. She asked me if I wanted to try her breast milk and exposed her other breast. I remember sucking on her brown nipple and the taste of her milk. 😍
Same for me as well. Breastfeeding made me a slave to tits. I remember watching a Latina mom with huge boobs breastfeeding across from me when I was younger. She asked me if I wanted to try her breast milk and exposed her other breast. I remember sucking on her brown nipple and the taste of her milk. 😍
Same for me as well. Breastfeeding made me a slave to tits. I remember watching a Latina mom with huge boobs breastfeeding across from me when I was younger. She asked me if I wanted to try her breast milk and exposed her other breast. I remember sucking on her brown nipple and the taste of her milk. 😍
Great memory! I'd still be asking for more!