The psychology of big breasted women.

Given up? I'm not sure if I can be said to have given up or not.

On the one hand, I'm not a slob or a drunk and I can make people laugh. On the ther hand, I'm not doing cold approaches every day. If you want a measure of what I'm working with though, I've never had an honest match on Tinder or any of the other Tinders - just prostitutes and girls who swiped the wrong way by mistake.

I've matched on tinder exactly once. I'm not ugly, but I'm not photogenic either. Tinder is not the place you want to be, there is a reason I made a caveat in my post above specifically for Tinder and websites like it.
I've matched on tinder exactly once. I'm not ugly, but I'm not photogenic either. Tinder is not the place you want to be, there is a reason I made a caveat in my post above specifically for Tinder and websites like it.

Yes, I get that, of course. But it offers a reasonable measure of how you're viewed at a glance.
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Yes, I get that, of course. But it offers a reasonable measure of how you're viewed at glance.

Yeah it sucks. I log on to Tinder to have my soul slowly and painfully run through a juice press.
We’re on a site that celebrates a specific part of the female form and in turn a select group of women who are bestowed with this gift that sets them apart or above other women in the attraction scales.

It’s well documented that larger breasts resonate in male brains to indicate that a woman blessed with them will be considered as appearing more fertile. So when a red blooded sees them, their synapses will be lighting up in a mixture of lust and pair bonding instructions.

Even those guys that aren’t interested in larger breasted women, cannot deny that this greater breastage does make a women stand out more than others and lead to greater levels of being noticed.

We are talking about a rarer breed people. Ferraris not Fords and hence when I read someone saying that big boobs doesn’t really impact someone’s psychology, it’s about as hard to believe as saying that being overly short, tall, ugly or beautiful won’t shape the person that you are. I’m sure the appearance of John Merrick impacted on who he was as a person.

I also do tire of these spoon fed rambles from apparently ‘enlightened’ males about how all women aren’t the same and how we need to be educated on how to deal with women.

‘Don’t just stare at their tits’ they preach as if we’ve never considered not doing this.

‘Talk to them like individual humans’ they lecture as if we are talking to them like hookers.

It’s ridiculous, arrogant and a little white knightey. ‘I’ve dated loads of big boobed women (meaning that you’ve selectively chased them based on their physical attributes as they don’t fall in your lap) and I can tell you that dribbling like a hungry child doesn’t work. You can’t leer at them, you can’t talk to their chest, you need to pay them compliments, you need to get them to talk about themselves and you need to be interesting”.

Yeah thanks, spare me the sanctimonious bullshit posturing that I’m some 14 year old fool who’s never spoken to a woman. Should I also take a shower, remember to smile and maybe wear some trousers as well?

For the record, I’ve not said in this posting that busty women only go for attractive or rich men. Those attributes will help a guy but my key point is that busty women get a lot more attention, they get presented with a lot more options (I don’t begrudge them this) and so the idea that just being a quiet nice guy is enough, is nonsense.

If a horde of fans rush over to a movie star clamouring for autographs and selfies, do you really think that a personality is going to sidestep the sea of bodies in front of them and make a beeline for the person standing quietly and respectfully 10 rows back? I’m sorry to offer interaction lesson 101 but it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the oil, it’s the noisy kid that gets the teacher’s attention.

So yes, I’m sure large busted women are very nice and kind and love animals and just want to be listened to (anymore virtuous white knight soundbites that I need to utter here?) but in my opinion having a large asset that is a key marker of sexual attraction gives you an edge and an advantage over less gifted women. That ‘edge’ will give you a different set of experiences to someone that isn’t as gifted and this in turn will shape your personality and the way you think.

I also believe that this greater level of received attention does not make someone become laser focused on the quiet guys on the periphery of their vision but rather accustomed to the larger crowd in front of their face. A hawk wouldn’t need perfect long range vision if his food was always presented two inches from his nose would he?
We are talking about a rarer breed people. Ferraris not Fords and hence when I read someone saying that big boobs doesn’t really impact someone’s psychology

It's hard to tell if you're aiming this response specifically at me or the thread in general, but if you read what I wrote carefully I said big boobs do influence their psychology because it impacts their life experiences. That said, if you think big boobs are the 'main factor' in their psychology you are making shit up. Data doesn't support that and neither does my personal experience.

I also do tire of these spoon fed rambles from apparently ‘enlightened’ males about how all women aren’t the same and how we need to be educated on how to deal with women.

The OP literally asked for this advice. You are getting upset that people are responding to the OP with information they feel will benefit him.

‘Don’t just stare at their tits’ they preach as if we’ve never considered not doing this.

‘Talk to them like individual humans’ they lecture as if we are talking to them like hookers.

It’s ridiculous, arrogant and a little white knightey. ‘I’ve dated loads of big boobed women (meaning that you’ve selectively chased them based on their physical attributes as they don’t fall in your lap) and I can tell you that dribbling like a hungry child doesn’t work. You can’t leer at them, you can’t talk to their chest, you need to pay them compliments, you need to get them to talk about themselves and you need to be interesting”.

A lot of guys do stare at tits. I've witnessed it IRL many times and people in this very thread have admitted to doing similar, this is hardly a controversial notion. What you seem to be upset by is that this advice is beneath your enlightened level of female-comprehension, not that its factually incorrect. I would suggest you are taking this advice way too personally.

Yeah thanks, spare me the sanctimonious bullshit posturing that I’m some 14 year old fool who’s never spoken to a woman. Should I also take a shower, remember to smile and maybe wear some trousers as well?

Again, you're upset that this advice isn't custom-tailored to your situation. That's an unrealistic expectation. No on this thread is 'Hitch', we don't know why you're failing to get the women that you want.

So yes, I’m sure large busted women are very nice and kind and love animals and just want to be listened to (anymore virtuous white knight soundbites that I need to utter here?) but in my opinion having a large asset that is a key marker of sexual attraction gives you an edge and an advantage over less gifted women. That ‘edge’ will give you a different set of experiences to someone that isn’t as gifted and this in turn will shape your personality and the way you think.

Yep, absolutely true. But you'd be wrong in thinking that it means that big breasted women think they are superior and only seek top tier alpha male types. Women can just as easily worry that someone is only with them for the size of their chest, in the same way a rich man might worry that a female is only interested in them for their money. This can lead them to be as deeply insecure as any other woman.

I also believe that this greater level of received attention does not make someone become laser focused on the quiet guys on the periphery of their vision but rather accustomed to the larger crowd in front of their face. A hawk wouldn’t need perfect long range vision if his food was always presented two inches from his nose would he?

Also true, if you're a shy, quiet guy you're gonna have to come out of your shell if you want a better chance at attracting someone. You have to figure out a way of presenting yourself that gets attention but is also genuine. That can be very difficult and I won't pretend to have specific answers for specific people.

The only thing I did was share some very basic baseline advice and try to dispel a little mystique around busty women. Again, I'm not Hitch, I can't speak to anyone's precise issues.
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Doctor of anthropology says that "well be-titted" women tend to be more "socio-sexual", scoring higher for traits like extraversion and lower on traits like impulse control.

Tit talk begins at 14:30
I gotta cut in because there is a lot of jumping to conclusions here that frankly aren't true.

I have dated multiple women with breasts ranging from large to *extremely large* and you know what? Their psychology has very little to do with their tits, really their boobs only influence their personality insofar as having a big chest shapes their life experiences.
The only person I know with really huge boobs sounds very similar to Lexxxi psychologically. Maybe it's just observation bias, but I seem to observe a trend that implies a relationship between huge boobs and submissive people with avoidant personalities.
His position based on 0 offered data... Not very compelling.

He has a book out on the topic, so his data and sources will be in there. It is most definitely possible to make accurate inferences about people's personalities based on appearance, but I'm not really sure what to make of the booby stuff specifically. It's interesting.
He has a book out on the topic, so his data and sources will be in there. It is most definitely possible to make accurate inferences about people's personalities based on appearance, but I'm not really sure what to make of the booby stuff specifically. It's interesting.

I think there's some merit to his point about the extremes of body weight being a reflection of impulse control, but his statement about busty women is absolute nonsense IMO. I've dated about a dozen women between DD-H cup over the past few years, and they spanned across as wide a personality range as anyone else, including some who are very demure.

The only thing they all had in common personality-wise were these grivances:

-They don't appreciate men who seem preoccupied with their breasts above all else
-They don't appreciate society's often-wrong assumptions about their being easy/slutty/etc
-Many of them went through a period where they wished their breasts were smaller (for the above reasons and more), which resolved via self-acceptance around age 30
Lots of good advice in this thread 😀 I've always struggled with busty girls. I really wasn't able to put my hand on the problem! With normal chicks, I can usually get along very quickly and smoothly, but with busty girls it is the complete opposite, I tried to analyze it also thinking why I'm such a big boob repellant!
After reading some of the comments here, it became obvious, it's really the curse of the tit-lover, I startle around big tits I look too obsessed, can't stop my eyes from taking a glance every minute, I realize now how this can be a huge turn-off. On the other hand, I usually express my obsession with big tits with every girl I've been with, even if I don't say it, they start realizing it and confronting me with it, all of them were average sized so they feel self-conscious about it and this is one of the reasons I think is helping me getting along with average sized girls so quickly
Lots of good advice in this thread 😀 I've always struggled with busty girls. I really wasn't able to put my hand on the problem! With normal chicks, I can usually get along very quickly and smoothly, but with busty girls it is the complete opposite, I tried to analyze it also thinking why I'm such a big boob repellant!
After reading some of the comments here, it became obvious, it's really the curse of the tit-lover, I startle around big tits I look too obsessed, can't stop my eyes from taking a glance every minute, I realize now how this can be a huge turn-off. On the other hand, I usually express my obsession with big tits with every girl I've been with, even if I don't say it, they start realizing it and confronting me with it, all of them were average sized so they feel self-conscious about it and this is one of the reasons I think is helping me getting along with average sized girls so quickly

Yeah, you'll have to do what you can to pretend the boobs don't exist, at least at first. But you also shouldn't be self conscious / guilty about your love for big tits. There is nothing to "confront" here. She just needs to know that it's one of many things you appreciate about her, and not the predominant thing. Everyone wants to be attracted to their partner for more than one reason.
I think there's some merit to his point about the extremes of body weight being a reflection of impulse control, but his statement about busty women is absolute nonsense IMO. I've dated about a dozen women between DD-H cup over the past few years, and they spanned across as wide a personality range as anyone else, including some who are very demure.

The only thing they all had in common personality-wise were these grivances:

-They don't appreciate men who seem preoccupied with their breasts above all else
-They don't appreciate society's often-wrong assumptions about their being easy/slutty/etc
-Many of them went through a period where they wished their breasts were smaller (for the above reasons and more), which resolved via self-acceptance around age 30

It's difficult to comment without knowing what data he is using and without hearing him go into greater depth on the topic. I can see how having huge boobs, or any other feature which renders one almost universally attractive, might have some influence on personality from an environmental stand point. For example, once a busty girl works out that she can use her breasts to get things she hasn't earned, it's likely to become a repetitive behaviour, thus she emerges as the "sexually voracious", seemingly more open kind of girl.

As for the genetic element, I'd really like to hear more, since I don't quite understand how he's reaching his conclusions. In terms of mating strategy, if we were to compare breast size (and body) shape by race against a certain other taboo science, a trend does arguably emerge. Again though, I don't feel informed enough to make a call on it, but it does interest me.
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My only observation over the years;

- Skinny, thin, fit women seem to prefer bigger dudes, taller, more muscular, or just beefy guys
- BBW thick women seem to prefer the opposite, guys that are more thin and athletic and trim.

My only idea is, maybe skinny ladies don't want a skinny partner too, they want someone bigger to wrap around them or hold them firm. And for BBW larger women, maybe they don't like being bigger, so don't want a big man too, they want a thinner athletic guy instead.
Yes indeed. It covers all the bases in 2 short pages.

1. Grasping at the mental state of women with big boobs.
2. Guys that try to act like they don't have an active account on this site trying to play coy.
3. The guy in the post above me not realizing that babies = bigger boobs and pulling his stock ahead of time.

There's no science to it, they're just like regular chicks except crabbier than usual because they can't sleep on their stomachs. The guy version of this is being the guy that is 6' tall. Even if you're 6 feet tall, you find it annoying on websites when 5'1" hobbits try to demand your height on their list of demands for some stupid reason such as heels or this cavewoman gene that makes them feel protected. So if you're some chick with big boobs, it sucks being reduced to the boobs, just like it sucks being a guy that's tall, or with a beard, or with a cool accent.

Never in my experience have I ever met a busty woman that didn't fantasize about getting a reduction. The only ones that don't complain are the ones with fake boobs, and the ones that complain the least frequently are those that can't afford it.

I think it matters when they got big also. My wife was an endurance athlete through college and had a moderate C. Once she stopped training nad we had kids she went up alot (as her genetics took over) and settled into a F recently after getting back into shape. She has never talkked about a reduction. Now her younger sister who got big early and still is bigger than my wife has talked about it and even asked my wife if she thought about it. "dont you miss being small?: those kinda questions. As I said wifey nevermentioend it, she seems to like it and god knows I do 🙂
My only observation over the years;

- Skinny, thin, fit women seem to prefer bigger dudes, taller, more muscular, or just beefy guys
- BBW thick women seem to prefer the opposite, guys that are more thin and athletic and trim.

My only idea is, maybe skinny ladies don't want a skinny partner too, they want someone bigger to wrap around them or hold them firm. And for BBW larger women, maybe they don't like being bigger, so don't want a big man too, they want a thinner athletic guy instead.
I beleive that too, my wife is about 6'1 175 now. She always dated tall guys becasue she didnt like feeling like a giant. I have her by about 5 inches and 50 pounds so I guess I qualified lol
I think it matters when they got big also. My wife was an endurance athlete through college and had a moderate C. Once she stopped training nad we had kids she went up alot (as her genetics took over) and settled into a F recently after getting back into shape. She has never talkked about a reduction. Now her younger sister who got big early and still is bigger than my wife has talked about it and even asked my wife if she thought about it. "dont you miss being small?: those kinda questions. As I said wifey nevermentioend it, she seems to like it and god knows I do 🙂

I once enjoyed a brief affair with a Japanese girl who used to be an Olympic standard walker (the arse-wiggling marathon). Unfortunately for her, injury forced her to retire from the sport. Being able to compete at Olympic level for anything is impressive but I was more impressed that she'd been able to do it whilst sports-brarring down a pair of F cups. I realise this isn't entirely relevant to your comment or the discussion at hand but... boobies.
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I once enjoyed a brief affair with a Japanese girl who used to be an Olympic standard walker (the arse-wiggling marathon). Unfortunately for her, injury forced her to retire from the sport. Being able to compete at Olympic level for anything is impressive but I was more impressed that she'd been able to whilst sports-brarring down a pair of F cups. I realise this isn't entirely relevant to your comment or the discussion at hand but... boobies.
no I get your point though. genetic must be strong with that one to maintain.I wnder what happened after she stopped traiing, training with an F is impressive. My wife couldnt do that, she has littl ebody fat. But the genetics were there seeing her mom and sister, noth well endowed. When she stopped training so hard, they filled rightout. 🙂 She is by no means big like many of the women we see here, but its more than engouh for me.
no I get your point though. genetic must be strong with that one to maintain.I wnder what happened after she stopped traiing, training with an F is impressive. My wife couldnt do that, she has littl ebody fat. But the genetics were there seeing her mom and sister, noth well endowed. When she stopped training so hard, they filled rightout. 🙂 She is by no means big like many of the women we see here, but its more than engouh for me.

She'd already been retired for six or seven years when I met her. She was more or less the same size I think.

I'm no Sean Connery, so my conquests are fewer than many on here, but that day was one of my greatest achivements. Our mutual friend, a slender E-cupper herself (I never designs on her funnily enough), once remarked to me that she'd been trying on clothes with the Japanese girl and couldn't believe how big her boobs were. I honestly couldn't see it. I thought she was just exaggerating. Holy oppais, I was wrong.
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