Maserati vs Raxxx


TiTs Posting Baron
Oct 9, 2015
Reaction score
I wonder who you prefer.

They are both pretty popular black big titted stars nowadays.

Tit-wize, I'd prefer Raxxx. Her tits are just as big as those of Masi, but appear bigger due to their hang and her smaller slimmer frame.

Ass-wise and personality wise I prefer Maserati. Maserati also seems a bit friendlier to fans. Raxxx can be a bit harsh, especially on her instagram.
I prefer Maserati, thicker body and she seems like you said, to have a better attitude towards the fans
Rachel, as she's more appealing to me, than Maserati.
Raxxx frame amd how they sagg and take up so much of her body. When she sits they practicality sit in her lap! She has the real floppy tits I like not taking anything from maserati but to me raxxxx and Cheron are the greatest boobs ever, just my opinion
soilwork595 said:
I'd take Maserati at her thickest. Her tits and body look better than her "slim" version. If she was her slim version, I'd take Raxx though, shes got some big ol floppy tits.

What he said.
eric69 said:
soilwork595 said:
I'd take Maserati at her thickest. Her tits and body look better than her "slim" version. If she was her slim version, I'd take Raxx though, shes got some big ol floppy tits.

What he said.

What they said.
eric69 said:
soilwork595 said:
I'd take Maserati at her thickest. Her tits and body look better than her "slim" version. If she was her slim version, I'd take Raxx though, shes got some big ol floppy tits.

What he said.

I'll take a slice of that action. I agree.

Maserati just has the figure on top of it. I think she's rather pretty and, dare I say, almost a bit classier than Rachel.

I could happily see (well, fantasise) about being in a relationship with Maserati. I could imagine going out on dates and having great conversations with her but when it comes to Rachel Raxxx, she just seems like a 'fling' with little depth to her.

This could be due to stages in her career though, I would of probably thought the same of Maserati when she was younger...

Maserati has everything else (a 10 for me), I even find her slight lisp super cute. Raxxx just has the boobs...
soilwork595 said:
sbstevenson13 said:
BTW who do you think has the bigger tits of the two?

Maserati at her biggest I would say. Raxx is more floppy, Maserati is more "full". You be the judge though.


I've seen several videos of them, and although Masis tits are a bit rounder, Raxxx tits are so long the make up for that. Really weird, cuz Raxxx is supposedly 30K, and Maserati 36K.

But if Rachel is 38K, that would make her as big as Roxi Red. And that simply aint so, Roxi is monstrously massive(and taller).

So I'd say Rachels tits are as big as Masis, but with a smaller band size, so like 32M or so.
I have been following Ms. Raxxx on twitter.

I actually like her body better than Masaratti but her attitude stinks. She is simply un-educated, has an arrogant attitude and think she is all that.

At one point I would have considered paying her $900 fee for a meet and greet but not now.

The girl really just needs to keep her mouth shut, try to look pretty and hope her boobs remain as large as they are. The only way she is going to get through life is by showing off her big tits and having men fuck her.

Without her tits she would be ghetto trash.
dave2 said:
I have been following Ms. Raxxx on twitter.

I actually like her body better than Masaratti but her attitude stinks. She is simply un-educated, has an arrogant attitude and think she is all that.

At one point I would have considered paying her $900 fee for a meet and greet but not now.

The girl really just needs to keep her mouth shut, try to look pretty and hope her boobs remain as large as they are. The only way she is going to get through life is by showing off her big tits and having men fuck her.

Without her tits she would be ghetto trash.

Why do you like her body better?
Maserati is more appealing overall than Rachel in my opinion. Also I'm not a fan of women with big tattoos (not a total dealbreaker though)
Why do you like her body better?

Her boobs are more saggy and loose. They look way more squeezable
Maserati's breasts are considerably fuller than Rachel's. That gives her the edge volume wise.

Also Rachel's tiny frame along with the fact that her breasts hang creates a "shock value" that makes her look cartoonishly big... bigger than she actually is.

That being said, I would place her around a 32L.

My wife Has an hourglass frame and is overall a lot thicker - she measures at a 34L. She has a bit more volume, but her proportions aren't quite as jarring as Ms. Raxxx.

No two pair are a like and body frame plays a BIG role.

