The one I’ve always been most jealous of, and thought was lucky is, “Bob.” He went on ALL FIVE Boob Cruises. I remember thinking at the time that he must be the only man in the world that is even more obsessed with huge boobs than me. SCORE even mentioned that wherever there’s big boobs, he’s there too.
The ladies seemed to like him (Maxi’s smile looks especially genuine when looking at him, and Casey “introduced” him to viewers in the Boob Cruise 2000 video) and he obviously had money if he went on all the cruises, so he probably had his share of action. And I was envious at how proud and shameless he was about it, not caring if he was photographed, shown to the world, and filmed expressing his lust for massively-endowed females. He always preferred my favorites on the cruises-the biggest of the big, like Maxi Mounds, Busty Dusty, Casey James, and Sarenna Lee (I’m not a fan of some of the smaller busted girls on the cruises, like Kat Taylor and Faye, for example).
He also won contests and went on dates with Honey Moons and Crystal Storm, and SCORE had a picture of him with Crystal Storm at her biggest, where he was doing exactly what he’s doing to Maxi in the first photo here (I couldn’t find that photo online). If only he was in this group and could post his stories.