SKINNY Girls with Disproportionally Gigantic Boobs - DNP Rule Applies - No ID/Content Requests

Paige Woolen
Attractive woman... Fake tits.
I know this woman. She is a very nice, good person very easy going. She was my girlfriend for about a year and we lived together lived together for 7 months and we had a lot of fun together. I was dealing with a breakup and she was trying to have the strength to serve divorce papers to a man who gave her little attention. The timing was just right for us to both get something we needed. I knew her since 7th grade and had a crush on her then because she was cute and talked to me. Most 7th grade girls are self-conscious and if they said anything to me it was either "do you like like my friend" or "why are you starring at me" lol. It wasn't until we all came back from summer break in 8th grade that I, along with everyone noticed her bust. I was a late bloomer myself and had no confidence to talk to the cute girl anymore who now had her first boyfriend. Throughout the rest of high school whenever I saw her in the hall I couldn't help but stare but never had a reason to say anything. I did become friends with her sister sort of but had no interest in her sister, however it gave me the excuse to talk to her and I talked about making artwork/drawing and that I thought her sister was cool and asked if I could have some reference photos so I could draw her a portrait. She thought that was cool and gave me photos of her sister the next day. It seems so silly now but I definitely didn't need reference photos of the woman in this image (which btw I am not the person who posted it on the internet and I would like to know who did!) I could draw her from memory and often did in the margins of notebooks when I should have been paying attention and taking notes. I never drew her unclothed or anything but it still felt slightly creepy to me so I would always tear the page out. Each time, mostly guys, made comments about her breast size I would feel slightly embarrassed and not engage in the conversation because I didn't want that to be the sole reason for my attraction to her. When I told anyone of my crush the response was always "she has big tits" or girls would say "because of her chest" which just made me feel so awkward but now that I am older I feel that their response was actually just very immature and a bit disrespectful. I went off to art School and moved even further away after I got my degree. Every once in awhile through-out the years and girlfriends I would look at her social media. Around 2010ish I saw that she got married and I remember it inspired a quick painting/collage that actually sold quickly and I barely remember what it looked like other than it had text "she got married" along with some representation of her. I had done paintings of her based on social media images a few times during my undergrad along with many other similar paintings which was the main theme behind my work. Our lives play out in imagery and posts.

On a visit home in 2011 or so I randomly saw her working at a shoe store my sister wanted to go. I got a rush of butterflies and I somehow got her to give me her phone number. After some attempts to hangout with the reason being that of a muse, it became clear that my efforts were in vein. She was flattered and would love to be "immortalized in paint" or whatever lame thing I said at the time but didn't see it happening, she was married and my sleazy ass had a beautiful girlfriend back to New York. It was only about a year later when my relationship was starting to fall apart that I had the nerve, after a drink or two to text the girl/woman of my dreams/desire and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. At first she was withdrawn but quickly confided in me that her marriage was also falling apart and she didn't known what to do. I was there to listen and when she said "you'll think I am a bad person" or anything that I sensed she was trying to get out I was able to make her feel comfortable and supported and the sweet truth of it is that I genuinely wanted her to feel better, figure out what she wanted and I think that is why she did end up falling for me. I flew back to the midwest to see her and it was so surreal to have the girl who you never thought you had any chance with standing in the doorway, so happy to see you and embrace you. All the years of longing and uncomfortable fantasy were being satiated. As far as lust goes, I was very surprised to learn that nobody had ever "satisfied" her if you know what I mean. Nobody had made a big deal over her breasts. She loved it, looking back on it I was just what she needed I gave her the confidence and support to leave a toxic marriage and I made her feel beautiful and strong. I could have married her, had kids "cute pale curly headed.. but your eyes, etc etc" the dream! If you told my middle school or high school self that I would be in this situation but decide to let her go I wouldn't have believed you. Now I want to talk about the purpose of writing this entire story, and why I would share it on a website like this one. WHAT THE FUCK DON”T YOU ALL FEEL LIKE CREEPS? WHO THE FUCK EVER POSTED THIS PHOTO. I used TinEye on the image and found it on several websites. ANYWAY, when you get what you want you might come to find that lust isn’t love. I hope everyone is healthy. Don’t make any girls feel bad, byeeeeeeee
Lol calling us all creeps but what are you doing here? You registered here on the site a month ago, well before that reply. You also have replied to a different thread about a different girl seemingly enjoying the content.

Don't break anything climbing down off your high horse
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I know this woman. She is a very nice, good person very easy going. She was my girlfriend for about a year and we lived together lived together for 7 months and we had a lot of fun together. I was dealing with a breakup and she was trying to have the strength to serve divorce papers to a man who gave her little attention. The timing was just right for us to both get something we needed. I knew her since 7th grade and had a crush on her then because she was cute and talked to me. Most 7th grade girls are self-conscious and if they said anything to me it was either "do you like like my friend" or "why are you starring at me" lol. It wasn't until we all came back from summer break in 8th grade that I, along with everyone noticed her bust. I was a late bloomer myself and had no confidence to talk to the cute girl anymore who now had her first boyfriend. Throughout the rest of high school whenever I saw her in the hall I couldn't help but stare but never had a reason to say anything. I did become friends with her sister sort of but had no interest in her sister, however it gave me the excuse to talk to her and I talked about making artwork/drawing and that I thought her sister was cool and asked if I could have some reference photos so I could draw her a portrait. She thought that was cool and gave me photos of her sister the next day. It seems so silly now but I definitely didn't need reference photos of the woman in this image (which btw I am not the person who posted it on the internet and I would like to know who did!) I could draw her from memory and often did in the margins of notebooks when I should have been paying attention and taking notes. I never drew her unclothed or anything but it still felt slightly creepy to me so I would always tear the page out. Each time, mostly guys, made comments about her breast size I would feel slightly embarrassed and not engage in the conversation because I didn't want that to be the sole reason for my attraction to her. When I told anyone of my crush the response was always "she has big tits" or girls would say "because of her chest" which just made me feel so awkward but now that I am older I feel that their response was actually just very immature and a bit disrespectful. I went off to art School and moved even further away after I got my degree. Every once in awhile through-out the years and girlfriends I would look at her social media. Around 2010ish I saw that she got married and I remember it inspired a quick painting/collage that actually sold quickly and I barely remember what it looked like other than it had text "she got married" along with some representation of her. I had done paintings of her based on social media images a few times during my undergrad along with many other similar paintings which was the main theme behind my work. Our lives play out in imagery and posts.

On a visit home in 2011 or so I randomly saw her working at a shoe store my sister wanted to go. I got a rush of butterflies and I somehow got her to give me her phone number. After some attempts to hangout with the reason being that of a muse, it became clear that my efforts were in vein. She was flattered and would love to be "immortalized in paint" or whatever lame thing I said at the time but didn't see it happening, she was married and my sleazy ass had a beautiful girlfriend back to New York. It was only about a year later when my relationship was starting to fall apart that I had the nerve, after a drink or two to text the girl/woman of my dreams/desire and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. At first she was withdrawn but quickly confided in me that her marriage was also falling apart and she didn't known what to do. I was there to listen and when she said "you'll think I am a bad person" or anything that I sensed she was trying to get out I was able to make her feel comfortable and supported and the sweet truth of it is that I genuinely wanted her to feel better, figure out what she wanted and I think that is why she did end up falling for me. I flew back to the midwest to see her and it was so surreal to have the girl who you never thought you had any chance with standing in the doorway, so happy to see you and embrace you. All the years of longing and uncomfortable fantasy were being satiated. As far as lust goes, I was very surprised to learn that nobody had ever "satisfied" her if you know what I mean. Nobody had made a big deal over her breasts. She loved it, looking back on it I was just what she needed I gave her the confidence and support to leave a toxic marriage and I made her feel beautiful and strong. I could have married her, had kids "cute pale curly headed.. but your eyes, etc etc" the dream! If you told my middle school or high school self that I would be in this situation but decide to let her go I wouldn't have believed you. Now I want to talk about the purpose of writing this entire story, and why I would share it on a website like this one. WHAT THE FUCK DON”T YOU ALL FEEL LIKE CREEPS? WHO THE FUCK EVER POSTED THIS PHOTO. I used TinEye on the image and found it on several websites. ANYWAY, when you get what you want you might come to find that lust isn’t love. I hope everyone is healthy. Don’t make any girls feel bad, byeeeeeeee
Wow wow come down !! This photo was obviously posted years ago. Yes we do get what we want, sometimes and if you want to get anything out of your long story maybe you should rethink your approach.


Her name is Beth Lily April,she is 23,from the UK..and still around on TWITTER and on FACEBOOK
I know this woman. She is a very nice, good person very easy going. She was my girlfriend for about a year and we lived together lived together for 7 months and we had a lot of fun together. I was dealing with a breakup and she was trying to have the strength to serve divorce papers to a man who gave her little attention. The timing was just right for us to both get something we needed. I knew her since 7th grade and had a crush on her then because she was cute and talked to me. Most 7th grade girls are self-conscious and if they said anything to me it was either "do you like like my friend" or "why are you starring at me" lol. It wasn't until we all came back from summer break in 8th grade that I, along with everyone noticed her bust. I was a late bloomer myself and had no confidence to talk to the cute girl anymore who now had her first boyfriend. Throughout the rest of high school whenever I saw her in the hall I couldn't help but stare but never had a reason to say anything. I did become friends with her sister sort of but had no interest in her sister, however it gave me the excuse to talk to her and I talked about making artwork/drawing and that I thought her sister was cool and asked if I could have some reference photos so I could draw her a portrait. She thought that was cool and gave me photos of her sister the next day. It seems so silly now but I definitely didn't need reference photos of the woman in this image (which btw I am not the person who posted it on the internet and I would like to know who did!) I could draw her from memory and often did in the margins of notebooks when I should have been paying attention and taking notes. I never drew her unclothed or anything but it still felt slightly creepy to me so I would always tear the page out. Each time, mostly guys, made comments about her breast size I would feel slightly embarrassed and not engage in the conversation because I didn't want that to be the sole reason for my attraction to her. When I told anyone of my crush the response was always "she has big tits" or girls would say "because of her chest" which just made me feel so awkward but now that I am older I feel that their response was actually just very immature and a bit disrespectful. I went off to art School and moved even further away after I got my degree. Every once in awhile through-out the years and girlfriends I would look at her social media. Around 2010ish I saw that she got married and I remember it inspired a quick painting/collage that actually sold quickly and I barely remember what it looked like other than it had text "she got married" along with some representation of her. I had done paintings of her based on social media images a few times during my undergrad along with many other similar paintings which was the main theme behind my work. Our lives play out in imagery and posts.

On a visit home in 2011 or so I randomly saw her working at a shoe store my sister wanted to go. I got a rush of butterflies and I somehow got her to give me her phone number. After some attempts to hangout with the reason being that of a muse, it became clear that my efforts were in vein. She was flattered and would love to be "immortalized in paint" or whatever lame thing I said at the time but didn't see it happening, she was married and my sleazy ass had a beautiful girlfriend back to New York. It was only about a year later when my relationship was starting to fall apart that I had the nerve, after a drink or two to text the girl/woman of my dreams/desire and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. At first she was withdrawn but quickly confided in me that her marriage was also falling apart and she didn't known what to do. I was there to listen and when she said "you'll think I am a bad person" or anything that I sensed she was trying to get out I was able to make her feel comfortable and supported and the sweet truth of it is that I genuinely wanted her to feel better, figure out what she wanted and I think that is why she did end up falling for me. I flew back to the midwest to see her and it was so surreal to have the girl who you never thought you had any chance with standing in the doorway, so happy to see you and embrace you. All the years of longing and uncomfortable fantasy were being satiated. As far as lust goes, I was very surprised to learn that nobody had ever "satisfied" her if you know what I mean. Nobody had made a big deal over her breasts. She loved it, looking back on it I was just what she needed I gave her the confidence and support to leave a toxic marriage and I made her feel beautiful and strong. I could have married her, had kids "cute pale curly headed.. but your eyes, etc etc" the dream! If you told my middle school or high school self that I would be in this situation but decide to let her go I wouldn't have believed you. Now I want to talk about the purpose of writing this entire story, and why I would share it on a website like this one. WHAT THE FUCK DON”T YOU ALL FEEL LIKE CREEPS? WHO THE FUCK EVER POSTED THIS PHOTO. I used TinEye on the image and found it on several websites. ANYWAY, when you get what you want you might come to find that lust isn’t love. I hope everyone is healthy. Don’t make any girls feel bad, byeeeeeeee
Lulz. This pic is older than the internet.