Milena Velba Appreciation Thread (No Full Photo Sets, See First Post)

Milena Velba & Angela White - Candyshop

Old (anon) saying: "There is no bad time for candy."

In he illustrious modelling career, Milena Velba has shared the limelight with many fine shapely models. Most of them have been well-endowed with large breasts, thoough not so very large when compared to the woman herself (Nadine Jansen being the obvious exception); & all of them (I think) have been younger (no doubt some MV-head will correct me if I am wrong). Here we see our heroine with her young trainee, Angela White, a model who has gone on to enjoy a very succssful career in porn, especially of the hardcore & orgy variety - areas never covered (sigh!) by Milena herself.

And where better to get the ball-rolling than in a candyshop? Bright, light primary colours; jars of sweety-goodies; all innocenct pink-socks & high-jinx. Two eye-candy models in a candyshop; what could be a more appetizing environment for Milena to train her porn intern in?

As befits the mature shopkeeper, Milena is clad in a white blouson-type garment, topped off with pink dress & a red "shop-keepery" red apron. It's all so squeaky-clean that even the low-cut blouse offering a generous portion of mammary-flesh cannot detract from the matronly-safe demeanour of the older star.

As for Angela - naughty Miss White is all Shirley Temple-type innocence, with hair in pig-tails (of course), a low-cut pink top revealing firm, waiting-to-be-awakened teen Tamburas, & a tiny turquoise skirt that cannot hope to cover her firm adolescent thighs & shapely teen-girly ass. Into the candyshop she flounces, unreconizable as the hardcore porn vamp she will evolve into:
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Young Angela has come to buy some sweeties from the nice sweetie-shop lady, Milena. Yum yum. Sucking & Smacking City. Sugar-&-spice & all things fucking nice.

The sugar-sticks offered by Milena to Angela are all well & good; but this young teaser's curiosity, stimulated by Milena's enourmous Iced Gems, is insatiable. She is soon behind the counter burying her phallic sugar-sticks deep within the folds of the older woman's cleavage, & bouncing & the un-brassiered bangers held within. Milena - for whom, clearly at this point, "the customer is always right" - is more than happy to keep her young customer satisfied:
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Having extricated the sugar-sticks from Milena's Rib Cushions with her mouth, Angela's youthful precosity moves on to exhibiting a growing interest less in confectionery than in the enfolding breast-flesh of Milena's Skooners. Milena's sweetmeats - the ones she carries around like bulbous artillery - are firmer & sweeter to the tongue than any mere shop-candies could ever hope to be. And Angela wastes no time in rescuing them from their crisp cotton enclave:
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Tongue protruding, like the little whore-bitch she is, Angela licks those fleshy bonbons like sugar-candy titty-lollipops. (No sign here yet of the man-eating porn-whore she is to become).
Milena, although passive to this point, is happy - more than happy - to let young Angela make the running on her Jellybeans.. The would-be woman in pigtails, however, her young face contorted with lust, is still unsure how to proceed, still checking-out Milena's reactions to her fumblings: Is this OK, Miss? I'm not being too naughty am I?
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An awful-lot of tit-sucking ensues, with the young Miss White (to Milena's still-passive delight) marvelling at the sheer size & weight of the older woman's Jahoobies. It says something about the self-confidence of Milena, that she is able and willing to let this young upstart hog the limelight, call the shots, & initiate the intimacies in this scene, whilst she - bigger-boobed & more experienced - plays the passive patty-cake patsy. Only a truly self-assured model, confident in her place in the big-tit universe, would allow herself to be cast in such a role.

Things develop slightly as Milena joins in the tit-sucking, with herself still as the source of nourishment. After all, why should the horny little bitch Angela have all the fun?:
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Milena's pink top wide-open, the two misbehaving gluttons gorge themselves on the Velba Muffins, Angela's ever-so-soft & smooth girly hands & painted fingernails contrasting sharply with the older woman's tanned, mature paws:
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Milena is still playing the role of she-cow, happily letting the Young Turkess feed off of her cow-heavy Cupcakes to nourish her young body, while MV watches with an almost maternal nurturing against that big bad world outside of the candyshop.

But - & this is a big but - Milena Velba is Milena Velba. The whippersnapper has has her fun; now it's time for Mama to take control. Miss Angela White may be a promisingly hot up-&-coming piece of ass, but she is featuring in a video. And that means that the Czech siren is going to enjoy her share of the action before the cameras stop rolling & the viewers stop fapping.

Turning the tables, therefore, Milena subjects the aspiring porn actress to a taste of her own decadent spoonful-of-sugar. In any of her later video, & with any other model, the breasts of Angela White - natural, firm & perky as 2 fucking Pekingese puppies - would until now have held centre-stage. But as very much the junior partner to Milena Velba, she has had to be content slobbering & slurping on what are probably the finest tits in Europe. Now, it's payback-time; & all the ambitious little whore with the tight, slender body can do is imitate Big Mama when the latter suckles her sweet Australian apprentice-titlets:
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As a final concession to the antipodean ass-whore that Angela White is to become, Milena meets her half-way by supinely suckling the youngster's teen tatas, whilst at the same time allowing the girl her quota of work-experience of once more gorging herself silly on Milena's Butterballs:
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(And note here, for future reference, the very fine shape of Miss White, whose future career will take her to some very dark erotic places that Milena Velba - for all her modelling chutzpah - would (sadly, in my opinion) never tread).

The 2 women continue to cram as much of each other's breasts into their respective mouths as they can until, finally, Milena once again establishes dominance by literally stuffing one of her Tom-Toms into the mouth of the helpless, passive New Kid On The Block:
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In with this tit, you bitch! You did good, girl, but let's not get the pecking-order confused here, eh?

But Milena Velba is a craftswoman, a professional; and it's always good to end these girl-girl videos with an affectionate mutual hugging pose, just to show there's no hard feelings:
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Especially, & appropriately, in a candyshop.

And the moral of this piece? Same as in the classic movie The Cincinnati Kid: "You're good, kid . . . but as long as I'm around you're only second-best." Except here, it's not Edward G. Robinson humbling Steve McQueen, but Milena Velba humbling young Pretender Angela White. Milena never actually hung an "L" sign around Angela's neck, but there was never any real doubt as to who was in the driving seat. QED.

Milena's other outing with the Oz orifice is cumming soon to this thread. Stay tuned.

This is really good.

With this "story" and the one you did before this, I wonder who are the top 5 or 10 bustiest girls MV has ever been with on video.

1. Miosotis
2. Micki Bells(at the time)
3. Nadine
4. Hitomi(at her biggest)
5. Either Terry Nova or Izzy Dominican Poison
I don't see how. It's still not been proven 100%, in my book.
I'm with you. Maybe 80%. I've only seen two "post-BR" photos, with no source given, and you can do anything with PhotoShop these days.
I'm with you. Maybe 80%. I've only seen two "post-BR" photos, with no source given, and you can do anything with PhotoShop these days.
I don't intend to be mean, but that is weapons grade copium. I'll give you that it's not indisputable proof, but claiming that those images are photoshopped is straining credulity. I know it's very difficult to internalize a loss, but you need to at least entertain the possibility that you're living in a world where this tragic event has occurred.
I don't intend to be mean, but that is weapons grade copium. I'll give you that it's not indisputable proof, but claiming that those images are photoshopped is straining credulity. I know it's very difficult to internalize a loss, but you need to at least entertain the possibility that you're living in a world where this tragic event has occurred.
I believe 100% that it occurred. The fact that someone from the industry, Marie said she did get the reduction to a D cup. Pics that show that she has a size of a D cup and she hasn’t been around for over a year, is proof enough. Not to mention that she is in her 50s, and would make 100% sense for Milena Velba to get a breast reduction since she isn’t gonna model anymore, and won’t need to put that kind of strain on her back. Just makes sense
I believe 100% that it occurred. The fact that someone from the industry, Marie said she did get the reduction to a D cup. Pics that show that she has a size of a D cup and she hasn’t been around for over a year, is proof enough. Not to mention that she is in her 50s, and would make 100% sense for Milena Velba to get a breast reduction since she isn’t gonna model anymore, and won’t need to put that kind of strain on her back. Just makes sense
This is wandering off from the topic a bit, but I think it's sad that women feel like they are used up once they reach a certain age. Milena wasn't deteriorating at a rapid pace or something like that. She could have kept right on going and been just fine as far as I was concerned. With women like Hellen Mirren wandering around at almost 80 looking pretty darn good it just seems like a shame to throw out a perfectly good model. Milena was already older than most when she started and I never once thought she was past it. It's her body and I respect her right to do with it what she wanted to, but from the outside it's like watching someone deface a natural wonder. It is, unfortunately, the way of things to end though. Still, I truly wish she had gotten the kind of support to keep her modeling when the chance was still there.
This is really good.

With this "story" and the one you did before this, I wonder who are the top 5 or 10 bustiest girls MV has ever been with on video.

1. Miosotis
2. Micki Bells(at the time)
3. Nadine
4. Hitomi(at her biggest)
5. Either Terry Nova or Izzy Dominican Poison
Valory Irene xxx
This is wandering off from the topic a bit, but I think it's sad that women feel like they are used up once they reach a certain age. Milena wasn't deteriorating at a rapid pace or something like that. She could have kept right on going and been just fine as far as I was concerned. With women like Hellen Mirren wandering around at almost 80 looking pretty darn good it just seems like a shame to throw out a perfectly good model. Milena was already older than most when she started and I never once thought she was past it. It's her body and I respect her right to do with it what she wanted to, but from the outside it's like watching someone deface a natural wonder. It is, unfortunately, the way of things to end though. Still, I truly wish she had gotten the kind of support to keep her modeling when the chance was still there.
I agree
I don't see how. It's still not been proven 100%, in my book.
The most recent versions of the photos are much better quality than the initial ones. The initial ones didn't look right. They were poor quality, which looked suspicious. However I will concede the recent ones look genuine, the possibility of AI notwithstanding. And anyway, that would be a lot of effort to go to for no real reason.
Milena has retired, so there were going to be no more new videos or photos, reduction or no reduction, ever.
My theory is that these photos were deliberately 'leaked' to put an end to the speculation, and so that a line can be drawn under what has been the greatest huge boob modelling career of all time.
The primary consideration should be her personal happiness and wellbeing, and although I can't imagine how it must feel to lose your greatest assets, her beloved breasts, looking at her smiling in the photos I see someone who is now happy and contented. I don't think I'd be far off the mark in thinking that she had the reduction on medical advice, so this was a massive life changing experience for her.
I'm just happy that she's happy 😍


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The most recent versions of the photos are much better quality than the initial ones. The initial ones didn't look right. They were poor quality, which looked suspicious. However I will concede the recent ones look genuine, the possibility of AI notwithstanding. And anyway, that would be a lot of effort to go to for no real reason.
Milena has retired, so there were going to be no more new videos or photos, reduction or no reduction, ever.
My theory is that these photos were deliberately 'leaked' to put an end to the speculation, and so that a line can be drawn under what has been the greatest huge boob modelling career of all time.
The primary consideration should be her personal happiness and wellbeing, and although I can't imagine how it must feel to lose your greatest assets, her beloved breasts, looking at her smiling in the photos I see someone who is now happy and contented. I don't think I'd be far off the mark in thinking that she had the reduction on medical advice, so this was a massive life changing experience for her.
I'm just happy that she's happy 😍
I completely agree with this.
Language School :emoji_couple_ww:


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Take a good look at the tragedies thread to find out. You really do not want to see that. "Milena Velba" should best be left as she were. The person behind the persona is a regular person now and retired.

Everything that you're saying is true and said on earlier pages in this thread. If I was the cynical type, I would say that she kept them long enough to make money that she'll live off of the rest of her life. I'm still anti reduction and that includes Milena. I'm not happy about it. Chesty Morgan kept hers even after her retirement. She(MV) could have had still a "normal retirement life" while still having them. give MV credit, she hasn't done a Dors Feline and she moved the Titsexual fantasy culture forward in a way that not only pushes her legacy forward but also women who were/are her contemporaries and after her. There are many women who are/were bigger than her but her impact as a content creator will influence the culture forever. So I personally celebrate this about her though I'm not going to be politically correct, I hate that MV got a reduction.
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Here's a good potential discussion. Which 5 models would you have loved for Milena to have worked with before retirement. For me:

1. Abby Secraa
2. Maserati
3. Jenny Hill before retirement
4. Nina Phoenix
5. Alaura Grey
Abbi was my immediate choice. Shame it didn't happen.

Would have been nice also to see her with
Leanne Crow
Karla James
Lana Kendrick
The most recent versions of the photos are much better quality than the initial ones. The initial ones didn't look right. They were poor quality, which looked suspicious. However I will concede the recent ones look genuine, the possibility of AI notwithstanding. And anyway, that would be a lot of effort to go to for no real reason.
Milena has retired, so there were going to be no more new videos or photos, reduction or no reduction, ever.
My theory is that these photos were deliberately 'leaked' to put an end to the speculation, and so that a line can be drawn under what has been the greatest huge boob modelling career of all time.
The primary consideration should be her personal happiness and wellbeing, and although I can't imagine how it must feel to lose your greatest assets, her beloved breasts, looking at her smiling in the photos I see someone who is now happy and contented. I don't think I'd be far off the mark in thinking that she had the reduction on medical advice, so this was a massive life changing experience for her.
I'm just happy that she's happy 😍
Did she say, hey everyone, I got a reduction. ?? No. So to me, a couple of photos posted by some dude...that we have no clue is reason to have pause. Now, I do support her, if she did get a reduction, ...but the point is, we don't TRULY know for sure. That's all I'm saying.
Did she say, hey everyone, I got a reduction. ?? No. So to me, a couple of photos posted by some dude...that we have no clue is reason to have pause. Now, I do support her, if she did get a reduction, ...but the point is, we don't TRULY know for sure. That's all I'm saying.
Good points it has to be said. I thought it was a bit odd that the first mention of this was in a random message by that Marie girl. If I was Milena I wouldn't have been too happy about that, because it's not someone else's place to give out that kind of information, not without permission anyway. And the photos appeared at random, out of nowhere. My previous post suggested that they were deliberately leaked as a confirmation. But on reflection, surely it would be easier to issue a statement through Nadine's site for example, as an update?
Milena continues to be enigmatic even in retirement!


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