Men irritate me because it's always about big boobs whatever happened to average size boobs being okay to


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Dec 28, 2018
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Whatever happened to average size boobs being okay too many irritate me always constantly obsessed with big boobs ice ball boobs don't matter either
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Average sized boobs are great!
I think that people have their preferences. This forum happens to be all about large breasts. 🙂
If this were a forum centered on smaller breasts, one might ask the opposite questions.
Yeah i mention to my friends my interest in giant breasts, and a lot of them do not feel as strong as i feel about them haha. So id say a lot of guys are into regular sized breasts, but here wed definitely say the bigger the better (as long as its natural)
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Whatever happened to average size boobs being okay too many irritate me always constantly obsessed with big boobs ice ball boobs don't matter either.
First, welcome to the Forum. We hope you enjoy your stay.

For me, a guy who has loved big boobs for the majority of my nearly 60 years of life, if the girl appeals to me, I'd take a gal with B cups (less than average size, imo) vs someone with huge boobs, that does not appeal to me.

But, as others have said, this site is for Big Boobs. So, you probably won't get much support here.

...but here wed definitely say the bigger the better (as long as its natural)
Based on some posts I've seen, I don't think some members care, one way or the other.
This is mostly a big tit forum so you aren't going to be a great response here.

But to be honest, you're seeing what you want to see. Even I personally don't care as long as the woman has the core traits that are key to any relationship, ie personality, passion, respect, etc.

Again we see what we want to see.

I suggest a healthy dose of personal growth and loving yourself.

This site mostly has large/big boobs on it. However, there are plenty of average sized boobs on here, too. To find them just look for an excited, 'biggest ever, gigantomastia, super discovery of the year' thing in the title of a thread and I can guarantee you'll find some perfectly nice average boobs.
Whatever happened to average size boobs being okay too many irritate me always constantly obsessed with big boobs ice ball boobs don't matter either

You have to keep in mind that everyone is different, male and female, and we all are attracted to different things. While I'm "attracted" to larger breasts, it is of little importance to me in a relationship. Most of the smaller girls I've dated have had the better personalities. This is a boob forum after all, so you're going to get those types of ppl in here, as I'm sure there's other forums about other fetishes out there too.
Average sized boobs are great!
I think that people have their preferences. This forum happens to be all about large breasts. 🙂
If this were a forum centered on smaller breasts, one might ask the opposite questions.

Whatever happened to average size boobs being okay too many irritate me always constantly obsessed with big boobs ice ball boobs don't matter either
Personally, I prefer big breasts, even extremely big breasts. But as far as I have experienced it, the majority of men do care for "average size boobs". I constantly run into people who think that C-cups are big and D or DD are "gigantic".

But that said: even on a big boobs forum, I care more for grammatically correct sentences. Not because I am a Grammar Nazi - just because it makes it so much easier for non-native English speakers to understand.
Yeah I was just about to ask what is average size? As stated above me I think the majority of society think dd's are massive, but that's not the case on this site.

But I always felt like big tit lovers where always in the minority. I mean I think most men enjoy looking at bigger boobs but I don't think most have a passion for them like the people on this site.
Whatever happened to average size boobs being okay too many irritate me always constantly obsessed with big boobs ice ball boobs don't matter either
It’s kind of redundant coming to forum populated by big boob lovers to air your annoyances...over men loving big boobs.

How can you be “annoyed” by others personal preferences? They like what they like. As for any argument starting with “Men irritate me...” - Men? What, all men? Not all men like big boobs, so that argument isn’t valid. Would a woman liking big boobs be exempt from your annoyance then? I’m sorry, but you can’t complain about being sexist.

To me, it sounds like personal insecurities. I’m a goth looking rocker type - do I get annoyed by most woman liking tanned, trendy “cool” guys? Not at all. Why would I? Because I understand people have their own reasons and tastes and they certainly don’t owe me an explanation or any appreciation.

I would focus on what you do like and ignore what you don’t. There is no point in being annoyed over something you can’t change. No-one will alter their tastes to accommodate your feelings, nor does the world owe you anything, no matter how entitled you feel, I’m afraid.
On the flip-side of the coin,
"Women irritate me because its always AT LEAST 6ft...whatever happened to average sized men (5'6') being okay, too?"

But seriously, this is more like "what is your favorite color?" - there is no wrong answer, its down to a preference. some men are into big asses, and couldn't care less about breast size. This forum is called Tits in Tops - you will find boob connoisseurs here at a larger concentration than in general. I am the only one among my friends that strongly prefer bigger sizes, most of them think that C is huge, D and DD too big, or gigantic... even the so called boob fiends say among them that "anything larger than a handful is a waste"

It makes no difference to me or anyone else in here who likes what - offense is taken, not given
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Firstly to the original op welcome.
I like big boobs but I also like average and even flat chested women grab my attention.If a woman is overall attractive and above all has personality and charm the n she rocks my boat.Generally the misconception that men that like big boobs are sleazy dumb ass half wits and men of intelligence and social upstanding like stick thin catwalk models is the norm.I like to think I am of above intelligent man who likes big boobs and don’t come across as sleazy and women have told me that.Question.Are women who like big dicks portrayed the same way?I went out,very briefly,with a woman who said a guy has to have ten inches otherwise he doesn’t interest me.As I said very briefly.I like to think that the men and women on this forum are average well meaning people who like big boobs .Btw my ex wife was a b cup and I loved her perky boobs.
Whatever happened to average size boobs being okay too many irritate me always constantly obsessed with big boobs ice ball boobs don't matter either

Needless to say, both men and women have their preferences and there is absolutely NOTHING anyone can do about it neither do we have any right to demand any changes to those preferences. What we can do is either adapt to those preferences or ignore them.

That being said, your post is, in this forum, in all honetly, useless. That's like me going on a forum for big dick lovers and post something like "Ohh women irritate me because they don't like average dicks, why is it all about big dicks these days?". You see, even if I got some polite answers, deep inside everyone would be thinking how insecure I am and how useless my comment is..
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Whatever happened to average size boobs being okay too many irritate me always constantly obsessed with big boobs ice ball boobs don't matter either
We're a relative minority compared to most men who love big breasts. Our "average" starts at a E-F cup while most men still think that a C-Cup is huge and a D-Cup is gigantic.

But, if I'm honest, we're kinda spoiled when it comes to big breasts now. Before social media and before the internet became what it is, when it was a struggle to find a woman with breasts larger than a D-cup, you had to be a lot more polite and accommodating because you never know how long it would be before another big breasted woman would come our way, if ever again. But with social media, it's easier now to find and communicate with a wide variety of large breasted women, more than what used to be conceivable. And because so many women are that easy to find and communicate with, it does tend to bring out the more entitled, judgmental, and demanding personalities of big boob lovers who are more than willing to push and demand that every woman they come across fit their needs.

I don't think it's the whole big boob community, but it's a loud and noticeable part of it. And it's something that needs to be managed, if just because it's really creepy and entitled.
Whatever happened to average size boobs being okay too many irritate me always constantly obsessed with big boobs ice ball boobs don't matter either

You've come to a forum pretty much dedicated to to larger than average breasts. And you choose to make that statement m sorry but it's full of jealousy. Just a completely pointless post. How the admin have not deleted this thread is beyond me.

The men on this forum are not representative of men as a whole. Go to any sports team's fan forum, find the sexy ladies thread, and behold page after page after page of women with B-D cup breasts. Similarly, check out the wives of famous handsome men - i.e. the men who can have any woman they want - not too many K-cuppers to be seen.

But yeah, I'm only aroused by huge natural boobies.
You've come to a forum pretty much dedicated to to larger than average breasts. And you choose to make that statement m sorry but it's full of jealousy. Just a completely pointless post. How the admin have not deleted this thread is beyond me.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion and this has been posted in the General Discussion Sub-Forum.
We welcome civil discussions, remembering that it's okay to disagree.
I think this is a great conversation. 🙂