KellyMelons is on tits in tops finally

It won’t be day 27 etc because I’m spreading this over the space of 2025. It will be more like, Titty fuck 27 and I might put his size there and rate his cum load too, something like that is the idea
Great Idea Kelly. The cum loads will be flying. 🙂
Because I can’t t post this anywhere else without potential ramifications for mentioning escorting. I’ve recently posted about titty fucking 100 men on social media and on my OF account. This will be achieved via Adult Work, not via a sign up sheet. Reason why, I need some serious cash if I’m going to meet my other goal of increasing my breast size by 10 cup sizes via fat transfers.
Do you know when this will start? Very excited and hopefully can be apart of it!
Well... Looks like I need to start planning trips to UK in near future! 🙂
I love her natural outlook, her smile, no tattoos and beautiful blonde hair, only one thing I would recommend to kelly is to keep it natural and not get fat transfers, there is a model i know (demora avarice) who got transfers but it doesnt look natural at all. I hope u atleast consider what i an saying- from a huge fan of yours. @Kellymelons
I love her natural outlook, her smile, no tattoos and beautiful blonde hair, only one thing I would recommend to kelly is to keep it natural and not get fat transfers, there is a model i know (demora avarice) who got transfers but it doesnt look natural at all. I hope u atleast consider what i a saying- from a huge fan of yours. @Kellymelons
She also started from a much smaller size and I’m fairly certain she now has saline implants as well, so not really comparable. Plus if it starts to look fake I will stop
Personally I love the natural look. You look fabulous ❤️❤️❤️