insane slim big hangers in the store (anyone know the source of this video?)

king! thanks. please the site if you don’t mind sharing
I searched the lanyard that the guy is wearing and it's from a comic event called C2E2 2023, here it is:

I also searched for the game and it's some crazy Japanese drum game called Taiko no Tatsujin (Taiko Drum Master).

No idea what cosplay she is dressed in though, I can't find any characters with that same green hair.

So now it's just a case of looking through hours of cosplay footage etc and you might find her
I had a look myself and came to a similar conclusion. The cosplay character is called Gumi, which came up on a reverse image search I tried. I had searched Gumi cosplay nsfw and found other people dressed the same, but not this same woman.