Hmm, Shadowman have a stab in that dark right there - is it ever a good thing when someone blasphemes? But in fairness, I think it was a typo and Pooty was trying to write Chris, as in Chris Hansen - To Catch A Predator.
"Cuffing" crinkly coffin dodgers is a bit of a grey area (honestly, no pun intended!), so I can't judge. I've actually got a few stacked pensioners in my real life social circle - but they don't look like this. Their physical assets outweigh the liabilities of their age and infirmity.
However, this bish seems all decrepit, enfeebled and vulnerable, while not looking long for this world. If you've got additional footage of her doing the Charleston (mid tempo) then I'll recant my assertions. But it just seems to be the same few shots turned into a number of threads.
Serious question: if you had the exact same tit type on, say, a spry woman of fifty years of age could you opt for the alternative or it's all about this 80 year old senior citizen. No moral high ground btw, like Crod said "we're all sick individuals" and you've done nothing unlawful tbf.