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MonkeyBoySam said:
🙂 As you know, I've been so busy lately, that I haven't had a chance to see her in several months. However, when I tried to call her the other day, the mobile ine belongs to someone else. I drove by her apartment, and no one was there (couldn't tell if she was still there, or not. So, I stopped by the Nail salon where she works, but she hadn't been there for several weeks.
So, unless she contacts me, it looks like I won't have to worry about whether or not I'll keep seeing her.
WARNING: Very Long, detailed on how it goes before getting her in the sack and pure FANTASY story!
After making a comment in this thread here,
http://www.titsintops.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=102395 ; and a reply (
http://www.titsintops.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=102395&start=13 ) I decided to share my Big Breast fantasy story with y'all.
Now, I've had this fantasy and sometimes even dreamed it, ever since I was old enough to appreciate the female form, and the guys role with her. So, at around age 14, or 15, I started fantasizing of being rich enough to have all these hot busty ladies catering to my every whim.
Of course, back in the '70s, the only busty gals were models in Playboy, and Big Boob Magazines (e.g.: Gent, Fling, BUF, etc.). When I was in my late 20s (about '86 or '87), select big boob porn starlets were added. Now, it's only gals from various Social Networking sites, as I'm rich enough to bang a model, or porn starlet, whenever I want to. :twisted: But, to have the gals live in my home, I want them to be the GND type.
Today, and luckily, the big head is doing most of the thinking these days. :wink: :wink:
Years ago, my dream was to have one or two girls for every day of the week. But at my current age, I have to cut back to one gal every other day (I need that off day to recoup). So, I'd either hire only 3 gals. But, as you can see from my current list, there's quite a bit more than 3. Anyway, they too need to get a break. :twisted:
I start out by hiring a Private Investigator to travel to each city where the girls (listed below) live, and he acts as my intermediary to interview these gals to see if they would be interested in a easy job and where they would earn $2 to $5,000.00 a week.
So, with each gal (I'm taking for granted, that they are at least 18), the private dick approaches her in a public environment and says, “Excuse me Miss (whoever). My name is “Thomas Smith†(I actually knew a Tom Smith in Los Angeles, CA :shock: ), I'm an private Attorney (yeah, a little white lie here). May I have a moment of your time?â€, as he gives her a gold embossed business card with his name, and a legitimate Law Firm, that are actually on retainer to me. So, the little while lie is even smaller than ya thought.
Of course, every gal says, “Yes†because they're curious to see what this immaculately dressed man has to tell them. So, they sit down at a coffee shop and Mr. Smith tells each gal the following:
“My employer who is a very affluent gentleman in Arizona would like to discuss with you the possibility of hiring you for substantial compensation. Would you be interested in continuing this conversation?â€
She replies, “What's the job? And, what does it entail?â€
Smith replies, “Well, I can't go into details, as I don't know them. But, my employer would be willing to fly you out on his private jet to discuss the details. But, I can tell you that the low end of the salary is $2,000.00 a week. And, room and board is included and a $500.00 a month clothing allowance. And, since you are still sitting here, I've been authorized to give you $100.00 now (he slides a crisp $100.00 bill across the table to her), with an additional $200.00 when you board the jet. And, another $200.00 when we get to his estate.
“And, after you get there, if you don't like what you see and hear, you'll be taken to the airport, and given a first class ticket on the next available flight back here.â€
Now, I think that most girls would be a bit leery about this, but the thought of getting $500.00 for doing not a whole heck of a lot of anything, is too good to pass up. So, after some thinking, she says, “It sounds interesting. When would we leave?â€
Thomas replies, “Well, obviously the sooner you can arrange it, the better it would be, I think. But, Mr. Tony knows that you may need to arrange time off from work, etc. But, I will pick you up at the time and place of your choosing in the limo, and we go to the air field over in (name of city)â€.
Even though I'm sure that nearly all the girls would need at least a week or even two. to get their affairs in order, I'm banking on their greed, and since it's my fantasy, they would be able to leave the next morning.
So, at precisely 09:00 the next morning, the stretch limo pulls up in front of the girls' pick up location, and the chauffeur gets out, and goes around to open the door, so Thomas can get out.
Thomas meets the girl, pick up her bag(s), and walks her back to the limo, and sets the bag(s) down. He then steps aside to allow her to get in first (after all, gotta be a gentleman), as the chauffeur puts the bags in the trunk/boot, he steps around to close the door. Then, he gets behind the wheel.
Now, I think, most of the girls would be awed by being inside a limo. But, I'm sure that for one or two of them, it's not the first time.
However, and unbeknown to the young lady, there are strategically placed HD micro cameras in the seat button opposite of where she's sitting, on the sides, top edge and above in the liner, to capture from nearly every possible angle in full color, every wobble, bounce, wiggle and jiggle of her magnificent mammaries.
The ride to the airport is basically idle chatting, since Thomas doesn't know the whole story. But, if asked about Mr. Tony, he spins another yarn of being on a six figure a year retainer for the past 10 years, and when Mr. Tony calls, he drops whatever he's doing to take care of whatever he has at the time.
At the air field, the Gulfstream G650 is idling and ready for taxiing and take-off, as soon as Smith and company step aboard. They are greeted by the hostess and pilot, who tells them how soon before they're airborne and the expected ETA to Scottsdale. The hostess seats both in a specific seat, as like in the limo, there are cameras situated to capture her best angles. And as promised, Thomas give her another 2 $100.00 bills.
The suspension of the G650 is no match for the bumpy taxiway, or sudden down drafts, so the cameras capture some awesome footage of those glorious gams bouncing around, both on the ground, and in flight.
Before landing, the girl will want to “powder her noseâ€, so into the lavatory she goes. And, like the limo and the jet, there are cameras in the bathroom (but, not in the stall. After all, a girl has gotta have some privacy :lol: ). Of course, all of them have to make a pit stop. And so, as she comes out of the stall, still adjusting her skirt/pants and top 8) , she stops in front of the mirror to make a final check of her makeup, and ensures her over-the-shoulder-bolder-holder
😀 is still functioning properly, by giving the girls a good press and lift, as well as making whatever front end alignment corrections needed.
Upon disembarking the jet, there's another camera in the waiting limo (this one is mine) pointing towards the jets' door to capture the girls bouncing down the ladder.
As the limo approaches Casa di Martelli (not my true Italian last name, duh :roll: ), the 15' (4.57 m) rout-iron gates swing inward automatically, and the limo continues up the winding drive to the front of my grand home (shaped like a wide arrow head, when you step into the foyer, the library is off to the left and the sitting room is on the right. In the East wing (left side), is the library, home theater, guest bath and enough bedrooms with their own bath, to accommodate my companions and legit guests. The West wing consists of the sitting room, dining room (accessible from the sitting room, hall and kitchen), kitchen, 2 bathrooms, staff quarters (except for the 2 gardeners, my staff is a family team (well vetted, before being hired. Of course, the English are really good at keeping secrets) that hail from England since I love the Queens' English. The husband, “Maxâ€, is the butler and Major Domo. The wife, “Nell†is the cook and hostess, and is nicely built. Their one son, “Henri†is the mechanic; the other, “Joesph†is my chauffeur, mechanic and body guard. And their one daughter, “Maryâ€, is a maid. And, their other daughter, “Gloriaâ€, is a maid, chauffeur and body guard (a 5th degree black belt), when I desire a female driver, which is quite often since she smells nicer than her brothers :lol: ) and the car garage large enough to house my limo, a Lamborghini Urus, a Lambo Huracan and enough spaces for visitors and staff vehicles. The master suite is located off the huge living room, and consists of a study, bedroom and bathroom.
The grounds are maintained in pristine condition, with a large Koi pond. There's also two swimming pools (one off the master suite) along with several large out buildings. One contains a regulation sized basketball court. Another, a bowling alley. Another a pistol, rifle and archery range.
When the limo pulls up to the massive Oak and Crystal front doors, the Chauffeur opens the rear door, as my Major Domo opens one of the doors, there are cameras situated to capture her walking towards the doors.
As Thomas and the girl (don't worry, the names will be listed shortly) walk up to the door, Max and Nell greet Thomas. Nell introduces herself and Thomas to her. And as promised, Thomas gives her the final $200.00 before bidding farewell, and getting back into the limo to be taken to his office, or home.
Nell takes the girl by the elbow to take show her to her room so she can freshen up before meeting Mr. Tony. But, along the way, Nell whispers conspiratorially, “I know you haven't met Mr. Tony yet, but I have to tell you, that if I weren't married, I'd jump on this offer so quick like.â€
To which the girl replied, “And what slot is that?†Nell says, “I'm sorry, Miss (whoever). But, I over-stepped my bounds telling you what I did. But Micheal and Mary, one of my daughters, will bring your luggage in shortly, so you can get freshened up. But, there are toiletries in the bath, if you wish to look into them and decide what you wish to do.
Upon finding out that the help have daughters, the girls invariably ask a bit sarcastically, “Why doesn't “Mr. Tony†hire one, or both of them?†Leaving out the fact that her girls' girls aren't big enough,
😀 Nell replies, “When, we were into our final interview, it was discussed. However, we thought that it was in everyones best interest that the girls only had their assigned duties. After all, there's no sense in muddling up the works by over extending oneselfâ€.
As the girl walked into her lasciviously appointed bedroom, she sits on the bed, and bounces up and down to test the firmness. And of course, there's a camera to capture this, too. :wink: Her luggage arrives a minute later, and she can see that Mary is very pretty, and has a nice build. So, she gets more curious as to whats going on. Mary introduces herself, and tells her, “I'm available to help you with whatever you need, anytime. Please don't hesitate to pull that silk cord by your bedâ€. With that, Mary curtsies, and takes her leave before she can be questioned.
With her luggage on the bed, and not having any idea as to what she should wear, she goes into the bathroom to freshen up. And yes, there's cameras to capture her taking her clothes off and getting undressed, showered and dressing. 8)
After the shower, she steps walks back into her room with a towel wrapped around her body. By the bed, she takes the towel off and leans forward to rummage through her suitcase to see what to wear. Of course, this action sets her fabulous funbags into a awe inspiring swaying motion. And yes, there's 3 cameras catching this action.
After she gets dressed (a pleated mid-thigh skirt, and matching low-cut (naturally) blouse), she pulls the cord to summon Mary to her room. Mary knocks, and is told to come in.
When Mary sees her, she says, “You are a very beautiful bird (English slang for young lady). I hope that you will like Mr. Tony, as he is a sweetheart of gem to work for. Always treats us like people, and not as hired help, he does.
“If you would please follow me, me da will take you to meet Mr. Tony.â€
Before stepping into the hall, (whoever) has to ask, “Mary, why didn't Mr. Tony hire you and your sister for this, whatever this is?â€
“Oh, no Miss. You won't have to address him as Mr. Tony because if you decide to accept the position, you will be a member of the house, not of the staff.
“But to answer your question, as a family, we discussed it with Mr. Tony, and we all thought it best not to mix those of us who work for him at keeping the house running. Though, if I may, and privately speaking, I certainly wouldn't have minded it.â€
When they step into the living room, Max seems to have appeared out of nowhere, escorts the young lady across the expanse of carpet to a pair of doors, that are closed. Max knocked twice and was bid to enter.
As he opened the door, and stepped aside to let her walk in, she was amazed at the size of the study that had a desk in the center that rivals those that are seen in the offices of most heads of state.
I timed the girls arrival for after the dinner hour, as I would expect that most girls wouldn't be able to eat after being offered, and having to think, about this proposition that I presented to her.
I look up from my desk (pretending that I was busy vs watching nearly every move that she's made since entering the house). “Ah! It's so nice to finally meet you in person (whoever).†I stand up, walk over to her, and offer her to shake her hand. I then say, “Please. Come and have a seat over by the windowâ€. I take the chair opposite, so we are looking directly at each other, and so she won't feel that she's being crowded.
“Would you care for a beverage while we discuss this opportunity?†For those who say yes, something will be available, and Max relays the order to Nell. If they decline, Max leaves the room.
After exchanging a few pleasantries, nice flight, how was the ride, ever been to Scottsdale before, etc. etc. I get down to the nitty-gritty of why I brought her out here.
I get into it by saying, “I've followed you on (whatever Social site she is most active on) since (what ever date I have since I started collecting her stuff) and I've always wanted to meet you in person. And, I must say, your pictures don't do you justice.
“Now, what I have in mind, is having several female companions in the house. And, like you have already seen, for everyone who agrees, she will have her own private room and bath. Also, if you agree to this proposition, but you don't like your room, there are others with different décor. Or, I'm willing to allow you to remodel you rooms to your liking.â€
As the girl sits there in mild shock and awe, I continue, “As you may have already guessed, I like gals, sorry, but with my Southern upbringing, a gal is a gal, regardless if she's 8 or 80, who are not only good looking, but well built, too. However, I draw the line to married women, as well as having to be at least 18.
“Also, please keep in mind, that eventually there will be more ladies here in the same, or similar capacity, as you. So, in the beginning, you'll be needed once or twice a week. But, later on, it will only be once or twice a month. However, those at the lower salary are exempt, as I will explain.
“The scale of pay and incentives work like this: In addition to the room + board, and the $500.00 a month clothing allowance, the $2,000.00 a week salary means you mainly stay around the house and/or the pool wearing either a bikini or attractive one-piece. But, at meal time, and in going out of course, you can dress appropriately.
“At the $2,500.00 a week, the same thing applies, but I also get a daily hug and to caress your breasts.â€
I pause here to judge her reaction, and to allow her to end the conversation there. But, of course, they are intrigued, and just sit there. So, I continue, “For the $3,000.00, things start to get a more intimate. I get to see you in the buff once a day, as well as a hug, kiss and getting to feel up and motorboat the girls in all their unrestrained glory.
“For $3,500.00 a week, we get more intimate. The level and extent of intimacy can be discussed later. But, as a minimum, it's cuddling, kissing, oral sex, Russian with a pearl necklace finish.â€
Again, I pause to see if she wants to say anything. After a few seconds, I continue, “The $4,000.00 requires spending a night in bed with me, where almost anything goes. But, don't worry, other that my love of big breasts, I'm not into SM, B&D and the like.
“Now, the five grand allows me to have fun with you anywhere on the estate, and at any time. And again, what is allowed, or not, will be discussed later. However, but for example, if you are sitting on the sofa watching T.V., I can come up to you, and pat you on the head. When, you turn your head to look at me, I'd look down and my johnston, and you'd take him out and start giving me oral sex. Or, if you were standing up, and I came up you, and pulled your against me, you'd give yourself to me right then and there.
“Also, if more 2 or more of you sign up for this, it will probably include a orgy every so often.
“Now, I know that's a lot to take in, and you don't have to give me your answer now. So, if you want to leave, Joesph is back and he'll take you to the airport to catch the next available flight home. Or, you can either spend the night to think about it, in which case Mary will take you back to your room.â€
Now, if I could afford this in real life, and it actually happens, I'm sure that 2 or 3 girls would say no (thus, the reason for the video to add to my private collection ( and no, I won't share it because if it leaked, which eventually it would, it wouldn't take long for the girl to realize what had happened, and they would sue my ass off. Or, an irate family member may try and hunt me down). Also, a few
would probably want to start at the low end, just to see how it goes.
However, for the sake of this story, all the girls start out at the $3,000.00 level, and to see if it's worth putting out for anything more. But, one or two were willing to jump into the sack that first night, and they all gave me a hug before going to their rooms.
But, as to who did what, I'll leave that for you to imagination.
Here's the gals who are currently in my lusty fantasy:
Dominique D,
Gosia S,
Laura E,
Ma You Rong,
Manu C,
Stella L,
Suelen A (even her kid could stay with her :shock: . I would have included bustier sister, Sueni, but she had BR
😢 and doesn't make the cut),
http://www.titsintops.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=95232&start=63 (scroll down to find her name)