My .02 - I would just rather see big ones. For example, on the candids section, I see some guys posting "catches" of any woman they or I would see on the street. Do we need that? (after all it's bandwidth/storage)
I agree with almost everything stated in this thread so far, but this especially grinds my gears a bit. It happens in the candid "huge butts" threads too, and in general a lot of the smaller A-DD cups that get posted all over the place on the forum present the same issue.
It's not that I think it should be shamed or against the rules to post small/medium boobs, but I come back to the question "Do we really need that?", when the "Big Tits" section of any porn site is brimming with C cups, D cups and DD cups, and you have to legit sometimes search "Macromastia" to get a girl (rarely actually with true clinical macromastia) who's anywhere close to
the size of even my own current longtime partner. Even querying "Huge" still gives you like lots of silicone tits as well as DD, DDD and maaaaaybe some Gs on mainstream sites.
Especially an issue in the candid forum as you mentioned, because some of the kinds of tits in tops people post there... most of us would be able to see hundreds of with a 5-10 minute drive into town, on top of probably dozens of bigger, better tits in tops in the same trip. It's been occurring a lot on one very active candid butts/bootys thread I follow, in which lots of comment proclaim an ass is "big" or even "huge" when it's maybe just slightly fatter or perkier than a mostly flat/thin ass.
I really like the idea of having those threads labeled something like "SMALL/AVG ♦ [Name or descriptor of girl]" in the same way that threads get labeled "BBW4U ♦ Madeline S.". I think in general, more labeling is better than less, and it could even be implemented as a general rule/courtesy to do so, since I have sometimes had my own original threads to include those labels for FFW and BBW, when the girl may not even have really fit that descriptor IMHO haha. Seems like it'd make more sense to have a push for SMALL/AVG boobs to be labeled as such.
I don't think having a whole separate sub-forum would work well. I mulled the idea over, but it would just get too messy the more I think about it.
I really dislike fake tits. I would rather have small natural tits over fake tits.
I think this might be the wrong thread to discuss it, but do you mean specifically "silicone implants" when you refer to "fake tits". I also dislike the look and feel of silicone implants, but I think with improved elective medical technologies for fat transfer, that there have been a number of impressively natural looking "augmented/fake" tits via the fat transfer method that look and probably feel real.