Why the jealously if she's busty herselfi still stand on that she was jealous of her daughter because she really wanted the attention
if youve ever interacted with her, then you know what i mean
Why the jealously if she's busty herself
Because her daughter was much, much bigger......Why the jealously if she's busty herself
recent pic?Learned some interesting info messaging one of her relatives on Facebook:
Right before her reduction, she grew rapidly. She said she got big enough that 2 days later she was in for surgery, so it was extreme. We've seen her right before surgery and know she was very big...so not too surprising but the relative said it made the family very worried
And she also apparently might need a second reduction because they're growing again...... Wow
Still a very pretty woman…Recent
White shirt shes massiveAs a matter of fact.. (Pictures have been cropped to just show her)
Nah factsShe would have GOAT status without the reduction
Wow! These are pretty good.
found these ai edits on tiktok
first one is pretty good 😆