WARNING: samantha lily's official website will continue to charge you even if you cancel


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2021
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word of caution for those out there. her official website: samantalily.eu will continue to charge you even if you put in a cancelation request on her website

i check my bank accounts routinely. saw that shit pop up as a pending charge. oh hell nah. i got rid of that shit weeks ago

immediately contacted their support and went onto their stupid centro billing platform. realized i had a couple saved credit cards on there. removed all that shit and canceled everything

if the charge posts to my account, will 100% charge back it


predatory tactics when it comes to purchasing porn is extremely distasteful. i consider it a huge sin. protect yourselves and your money folks
No problem. We all need to protect ourselves and our wallets

There’s plenty of predators out there that would gladly take advantage of men financially. For boob lovers it’s even more of a slippery slope

Women and porn services will definitely try to take advantage of a man’s boob addiction, 100%. That’s why it pisses me off so much. Taking advantage of something that is so inherently enjoyed by men all around the world, sickening
I know the feeling. Free credit report. com was one. It charged me for a few months before I caught it. It was listed as "processing fee".

Cancelled, talked to my bank. They flagged and reported them. Had to close out the account
Check your statements. Try to keep a list of your subscriptions, and charges. Same thing happened to me, different model, but I was checking out other subscriptions and didn't notice for months. It was a yearly subscription that should have ended on the anniversay but clocked over as a monthly charge eventhough I no longer had access to the site. Check your statements.
more important who was the payment processor?

Ccbill? Etc
the centro bullshit
I would bet you it’s the payment processor as you usually cancel through them
And not with the website your subscribed to.

I remember back in the day I used to use ccbill a lot.

I would always try to use ccbill as I could login and bring up all the sites and cancel the ones I don’t use.

I have had a few I forgot about for several