Siri let us down :(

She always had one that was larger . And now after reduction surgery is still slightly one larger. But glad she didn't go way smaller in reducing like suri did. And did look a more natrural look. Suri reduced so much breast size looks like full mastectomy removal , looks so bad.
Some of her highest II


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Some of her highest II

P.S. Sorry because I don't understand what is happening when I uploaded GIF files. We cannot watch them... :(


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While we celebrate that humans can choose whatever they wish to do with their bodies,
it must be said that if either one of these thought this would boost their careers,
such a decision makes them Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-dumber.


  • REDUCTION happened on 2-21-2024 - Oh Codi why'd ya get a BR.png
    REDUCTION happened on 2-21-2024 - Oh Codi why'd ya get a BR.png
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  • Siri after breast reduction (and added tattoos) - most unfortunate.jpg
    Siri after breast reduction (and added tattoos) - most unfortunate.jpg
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While we celebrate that humans can choose whatever they wish to do with their bodies,
it must be said that if either one of these thought this would boost their careers,
such a decision makes them Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-dumber.
I can't believe how bad Siri messed up her tits. I haven't seen Codi bare chested yet. Any photos?
While we celebrate that humans can choose whatever they wish to do with their bodies,
it must be said that if either one of these thought this would boost their careers,
such a decision makes them Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-dumber.
I don't mind Siri tits then and now.
And what the hell is BGA? boy-girl- and the A stands for... uhh... whatever who cares.

It seems she is trying really hard to migrate from her original fanbase that was composed of straight dudes. She knows she fucked up big time with them with the reduction and is now taking steps to look less and less feminine with tats, stupid hair color and abs, so she can fit her stupid feminist ideology that basically hates good looking women. And of course, virtue signaling by saying she will "work with anyone" in an effort to appeal to the LGBTQWERTY comunity....

Yeah, go ahead Siri.. this new public you're trying to reach really enjoys porn... it's gonna be a success... trust me.
Okay, this is REALLY bizarre... Why are you trying to say that every single straight guy couldn't possibly like girl-on-girl? Like, if not guys, who is getting off on girl-on-girl? Yeah, sure, lesbians and bi girls buy born, but not in the quantity men do. Are gay guys supposed to be into girl-on-girl? What about being bisexual means you like girl-on-girl more than a straight guy when no guy is involved in girl-on-girl? I don't get your logic. :/

Though part of me wonders if your inability to know how straight men think, the bizarre logic you have of girl-on-girl not being hot for literally anyone, and your inability to spell LGBT might indicate a general... lack of cognitive reasoning, perhaps.
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She looks like she just lost weight.. no reduction until scrolled down further.
If you're referring to Codi, it wasn't just a breast reduction. She also got liposuction.

You know, because she wanted to alienate the THICC loving crowd she originally marketed to in addition to the huge booba crowd.

Like... A simple Google search would've told her how unhealthy liposuction is in the long-term. Sweet Baby Jesus, girl...

And I'm sure, like Siri, she'll have a massive loss in revenue and then be catty and bitter about it.
If you're referring to Codi, it wasn't just a breast reduction. She also got liposuction.

You know, because she wanted to alienate the THICC loving crowd she originally marketed to in addition to the huge booba crowd.

Like... A simple Google search would've told her how unhealthy liposuction is in the long-term. Sweet Baby Jesus, girl...

And I'm sure, like Siri, she'll have a massive loss in revenue and then be catty and bitter about it.
Codi was a heartbreaking loss, I'd like to get an equivalent thread going to mourn the death of that sweet soft pale body, such a waste