Titfreak’s comprehensive essay to why fake tits are superior to natural.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2022
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Hi I am titfreak. In this essay I will try to explain why men like me find fake tits superior to natural. First, I want to clear some things up before I start. I will talk in general terms at times, so when I say fakes are superior, please don’t come at me with Eva Notty’s or Lindsay Dawn McKenzie’s comparisons. Even I can acknowledge that they were better as naturals. I also acknowledge that a lot of fakes can look disgusting at times, the same can be said about naturals. So please don’t post a picture of Leanne Crow then Lilly4k and try and frame it as “how can you like fakes over naturals look at this!?!” Even I have limits to what I find attractive with fakes, there is a point where they stop looking like breasts and start looking more like tumors. This essay is to lay out why I believe fakes are superior to me and men like me. I don’t expect a lot of you to agree, there is a small group of men who think like I do, and it usual is coincide with the fact that we grew up with the 90s tits. Almost everyone I’ve met in the titty community prefers naturals, I it isn’t even close, I would say 9 out of 10 want naturals. That’s my opening rambling. So let me start the Essay:

First, we have to examine what breasts are and why we are attracted to them. Breasts are mammary glands that women have that produce milk for the children they bare. We as men are attracted to them because it signals instincts in us that they would be good to pass our genes onto because they can produce more milk for our children. The bigger the breasts the better for our children, this happens on a subconscious level, so when a natural lover sees a woman with natural big tits it gets them excited because she would be a good candidate to mate with, or pass your genes on.

The two main differences between men and woman, strictly talking about body parts, is men have penises and women have breasts and vaginas. But the vagina isn’t visible unlike the breasts, that’s what makes them so amazing to me. They are the most visible feminine body part; they are sex objects that can be seen by everyone. And like many of you the bigger the better.

Woman who are born with natural big tits is one in a million. It is the same as winning the lottery, and this is what I think a lot of men find attractive about it too, how special it is a woman can have breasts that big without surgery. But to me, its pure luck. She might have never wanted big breasts, she never had a choice, she was just born like that. A woman who gets implants is choosing to get big breasts, she is basically holding up a sign and saying she wants men’s attention. She wants to be objectified. This at its core is what makes fakes more appealing to me. The woman’s decision to want bigger breasts.

So, extrapolate to everything I have said. Implants are like crack to tittymen, they send a signal to our instincts that she wants to be seen by men as a walking pair of tits, she wants you to stare and gawk at her, she wants to please you, essentially, she is saying she wants to become a better candidate over other women for your offspring.

Anyways that is my short essay to why I believe fakes are superior. Feel free to message me if you agree, I always like talking to men who prefer fakes to naturals.
Interesting different way of looking at them. The only remark I want to make is there a women who took implants to go from flat to let's say a B cup because they have a problem feeling different or not normal feminine. I expect these women are not on your radar though?
Interesting different way of looking at them. The only remark I want to make is there a women who took implants to go from flat to let's say a B cup because they have a problem feeling different or not normal feminine. I expect these women are not on your radar though?
They aren’t no I prefer much bigger. But it still speaks to my point. She doesnt feel like a normal woman because she is small. She is trying to become more womanly. Her choosing to get implants is hotter to me than a normal woman with an already B cup size. Breasts = femininity and choosing to make them bigger is them embracing their femininity. They are becoming more womanly so to speak. Trying to out do other women for our attention.
I started a poll asking what people preferred, and I am surprised that the vast majority do prefer natural. I am one of those people.

But, along the lines of what you write here: "Implants... send a signal... that she wants to be seen by men as a walking pair of tits, she wants you to stare and gawk at her, she wants to please you" is the one "fake tit" angle I can agree on.

I want my wife to have natural tits. But for a one night stand, fake tits does scream what you said, which makes for much better sex. I will guarantee a fake tit girl is more likely to take it up the ass, let me jerk off in her face, and behave more like a porn star. (Not always, and not everyone, but as a general tendency.)

So I do appreciate the "bimbo" angle of fake tits. I just hate the tits that come along with it, lol...
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They aren’t no I prefer much bigger. But it still speaks to my point. She doesnt feel like a normal woman because she is small. She is trying to become more womanly. Her choosing to get implants is hotter to me than a normal woman with an already B cup size. Breasts = femininity and choosing to make them bigger is them embracing their femininity. They are becoming more womanly so to speak. Trying to out do other women for our attention.
Can't bring much against this, feminity appeals to you a lot. My wife isn't wired to be highly feminin and I did not look for that. Her boobs weren't hunted by a lot of men and I like that.
i love fake tits for the look and the pressure of tittyfucking them gives me the hardest orgasm
Reason i love fake tits is simple: they look soooo much better then natural tits to me, especially shape and size (dont like those extreme sizes tough cuse then they just look freakish lol) i dont like all fake tits tough i seen pleny of ugly ones, but when they are done well theres nothing sexier imo

I honestly cant understand the hate implants get so often, Like i am fine with people liking naturals better and not liking how implant tits look thats totally ok. I mean everyones taste is different) but the extreme hostility and agressive hate that i see so often in comments about implant tits i really dont get. (Side note: tattos get abit similar agressive hate i seen too in comments, not as much as implants but damn theres some people who REALLY hate tattos xD)
One thing i kinda noticed btw as a implant lover is how often i see comments with guys asking are they fake or real? And people often comment to that saying: yes they are real, not fake etc... but its super obvious that the girl have implants. I think its super easy to see if implants or not, so when i see such comments i start to question if those that say they hate fake tits actually know how they look like lol. Like i can guarantee theres guys who say they hate implants then they like some girl with fake tits but go: nooo her tits are natural! xD