Is it okay for a doctor to check your wife's pussy?


Sep 14, 2020
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My wife sees every sign of an infection, so I told her to go to the hospital on her own because I was not there.
The doctor insisted on checking on her private part and she showed it to him. Now I wonder if it is necessary or am I overreacting. I need some advice to know what to do.
Thank you
Stop being a dick to your wife bro.
Her literal health is on the line, from AN INFECTION and you’re acting fussy because a doc is checking her pussy? you don’t want her to die right?
The hell wrong with you bro?
Stop being a dick to your wife bro.
Her literal health is on the line, from AN INFECTION and you’re acting fussy because a doc is checking her pussy? you don’t want her to die right?
The hell wrong with you bro?
As Re555 has said, this is about your wife's health and it can be very serious both for her and for you (infection means it implies everyone that has coitus with your wife).

Also, to alliviate any of your concerns, doctors are specialists that study hard almost a decade and are prepared to treat these kind of issues. This is especially true for the gynaecologists as they have studied the field of women's genitalia and have years of experience watching many women's underparts in a medical manner AND NEVER IN A SEXUAL APPROACH. Adding to that, if it's an infection the doctor will be more than aware that it can affect him if he even dared to have sexual relationships with her (I am assuming that's your concern).

So in conclusion, doctors are professionals adapted to this and will not do anything to your wife. Your wife's health, as if it were any other being, must be preserved at any cost and that includes genitalia.

I hope I helped you change your decision and take care of you both!
The doctor
Q. Is it okay for a doctor to check your wife's pussy?

This has been a problem in the Muslim tradition. Some (not all) Muslim men don't want a male physician to see their wife's covered areas. Ironically, these same countries discourage females from becoming physicians. Talk about a Catch-22!
can she not request a female doctor if not happy? But a choice between a male doctor and undiagnosed cancer seems a no brainer.....
Good practice is usually for a chaperone of some kind to be present so no one is seen 1-1 by a member of the opposite sex. Either way, it's better to get it checked out by a doctor than just leaving her to suffer, unless you're REALLY struggling on finding something to buy her for Christmas.
Okay, I dont want to start any fights. My wife is an OBGYN. So I have met MANY male OBGYNs. My wife (and I) prefer a female OBGYN, but she has had procedures done by male OBGYNs. All that being said, there are some male OBGYNs I would be more comfortable than others examining my wife. Doctors aren’t gods, they’re just people. Like with any other profession, some are assholes, and some are creeps (I have known some). Do your research. But in an emergency situation (when you often don’t have a choice) don’t assume the worst. And, honestly, if the choice is between a life saving creep, and possible death, what’s a peek at one more pussy. Best advice, as always, do your research, don’t just assume one way or the other. Also, if the woman feels comfortable with the Dr, that’s more important.
I would trust my wife enough to feel if something was not right with the way a doctor was doing something.
“women’s intuition”!
If you were confused by what I said, that is probably my fault. I rambled a bit.

if you are shocked...I don’t know what to tell you.
Dude that was directed to OP, not you
My wife sees every sign of an infection, so I told her to go to the hospital on her own because I was not there.
The doctor insisted on checking on her private part and she showed it to him. Now I wonder if it is necessary or am I overreacting. I need some advice to know what to do.
Thank you
Of course, it's OK. The doctors are professional, and your wife's health is what's important here.

Seems like you need to cut down on Johnny Sins films.
Of course, it's OK. The doctors are professional, and your wife's health is what's important here.

Seems like you need to cut down on Johnny Sins films.

Yeah you're right
Stop being a dick to your wife bro.
Her literal health is on the line, from AN INFECTION and you’re acting fussy because a doc is checking her pussy? you don’t want her to die right?
The hell wrong with you bro?

Bro... That hit my heart....literally
You give some marvelous advise 🙂
Better she sees a doctor than a plumber or pizza delivery boy. Porn has taught us that they always end up shagging the lady of the house. The amount of pizza's that are eaten cold and taps that continue to leak are a grave cause of concern to the relevant industry bodies.
Is it okay for a doctor to check your wife's pussy?

Only if he pulls his hard cock out and gives her a jolly good rodgering............................