HNL's A.I. Enhanced BUSTY Candids

I hate wasting good seeds so I re-ran these through pixverse.


Had to change 'breasts' to 'chest' then 'chest' to 'body' before it would accept this one but I love the result.


So, I've decided that starting today, I will probably no longer be using hailuo ai for my candids. It's too wonky and hit or miss. I'll be using it to animate my stable diffusion muses which you can view here if you're interested.

From now on I'll be using pixverse, Vidu and nim for my candids. Speaking of which, check out the bounce on this babe.


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So I decided to try out nim ai and it's amazing. Not only does it allow you to choose kling level outputs (or others) it actually improves your prompts by re-writing them to further enhance your output.

I mean, just check out this milf!

