I'm really not sure where to post this, it doesn't neatly fit into any category... Closest fit would be "anime," but we don't have a dedicated section for that.
Anyway, there's this genre of games, generally relegated to mobile, where it's basically a constant Skinner Box or slot machine, and you get "a fuckton of stuff," but generally it's all useless. They present themselves as if they were RPGs, but then there's no shop to just buy better armor for your units. Instead you keep hitting up time-released drops from a bazillion mini-games to acquire 150 copies of shitty leather armor, that you can take to the armorsmith and convert 50 leather armor into 1 chain mail, then convert 50 chain mail into 1 iron plate, and convert 50 iron plate... yeah it's tedious AF and I hate the obvious marketing gimmick of "LOOK HOW MUCH SHIT YOU GOT THO!" They're called "gacha" games in Japanese, and it is a literal pronunciation of the English word "gotcha," and it refers to a crane game. It's...nearly identical in feeling. Blow a shit ton of quarters to get "lucky" enough to pick up a crappy 50-cent stuffed animal.
But, many of these games involve recruiting new female units who are various levels of scantily clad. What really sets them apart, in my mind, is how big the titties are per game. It seems like Japanese people have a very low standard of what "big titty" means, which is odd, given some of the hentai out there, but... as far as the Google Play marketplace goes, most of them are pretty tame. Or I should say, lewd, but nothing over a D-cup. But there are some notable exceptions!
In the next two replies, I'll mini-review the couple I've been... "satisfied" with. Hopefully I can catch the attention of some weeaboo anime fans here who might contribute some other titles worth looking into, for men with standards such as ours? Reddit has proved quite disappointing, they think D-cup is big. :/
Oh, beware if you try to get into one of these. They're so entirely, NEEDLESSLY complex, that pretty much all of them will railroad you into forced clicking of this, that, and the other thing, to go through a TEN MINUTE TUTORIAL before you can freely forage for funbags. So, set some time aside for yourself.
Anyway, there's this genre of games, generally relegated to mobile, where it's basically a constant Skinner Box or slot machine, and you get "a fuckton of stuff," but generally it's all useless. They present themselves as if they were RPGs, but then there's no shop to just buy better armor for your units. Instead you keep hitting up time-released drops from a bazillion mini-games to acquire 150 copies of shitty leather armor, that you can take to the armorsmith and convert 50 leather armor into 1 chain mail, then convert 50 chain mail into 1 iron plate, and convert 50 iron plate... yeah it's tedious AF and I hate the obvious marketing gimmick of "LOOK HOW MUCH SHIT YOU GOT THO!" They're called "gacha" games in Japanese, and it is a literal pronunciation of the English word "gotcha," and it refers to a crane game. It's...nearly identical in feeling. Blow a shit ton of quarters to get "lucky" enough to pick up a crappy 50-cent stuffed animal.
But, many of these games involve recruiting new female units who are various levels of scantily clad. What really sets them apart, in my mind, is how big the titties are per game. It seems like Japanese people have a very low standard of what "big titty" means, which is odd, given some of the hentai out there, but... as far as the Google Play marketplace goes, most of them are pretty tame. Or I should say, lewd, but nothing over a D-cup. But there are some notable exceptions!
In the next two replies, I'll mini-review the couple I've been... "satisfied" with. Hopefully I can catch the attention of some weeaboo anime fans here who might contribute some other titles worth looking into, for men with standards such as ours? Reddit has proved quite disappointing, they think D-cup is big. :/
Oh, beware if you try to get into one of these. They're so entirely, NEEDLESSLY complex, that pretty much all of them will railroad you into forced clicking of this, that, and the other thing, to go through a TEN MINUTE TUTORIAL before you can freely forage for funbags. So, set some time aside for yourself.
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