Gacha Mobile Games


Active Member
Mar 28, 2019
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I'm really not sure where to post this, it doesn't neatly fit into any category... Closest fit would be "anime," but we don't have a dedicated section for that.

Anyway, there's this genre of games, generally relegated to mobile, where it's basically a constant Skinner Box or slot machine, and you get "a fuckton of stuff," but generally it's all useless. They present themselves as if they were RPGs, but then there's no shop to just buy better armor for your units. Instead you keep hitting up time-released drops from a bazillion mini-games to acquire 150 copies of shitty leather armor, that you can take to the armorsmith and convert 50 leather armor into 1 chain mail, then convert 50 chain mail into 1 iron plate, and convert 50 iron plate... yeah it's tedious AF and I hate the obvious marketing gimmick of "LOOK HOW MUCH SHIT YOU GOT THO!" They're called "gacha" games in Japanese, and it is a literal pronunciation of the English word "gotcha," and it refers to a crane game. It's...nearly identical in feeling. Blow a shit ton of quarters to get "lucky" enough to pick up a crappy 50-cent stuffed animal.

But, many of these games involve recruiting new female units who are various levels of scantily clad. What really sets them apart, in my mind, is how big the titties are per game. It seems like Japanese people have a very low standard of what "big titty" means, which is odd, given some of the hentai out there, but... as far as the Google Play marketplace goes, most of them are pretty tame. Or I should say, lewd, but nothing over a D-cup. But there are some notable exceptions!

In the next two replies, I'll mini-review the couple I've been... "satisfied" with. Hopefully I can catch the attention of some weeaboo anime fans here who might contribute some other titles worth looking into, for men with standards such as ours? Reddit has proved quite disappointing, they think D-cup is big. :/

Oh, beware if you try to get into one of these. They're so entirely, NEEDLESSLY complex, that pretty much all of them will railroad you into forced clicking of this, that, and the other thing, to go through a TEN MINUTE TUTORIAL before you can freely forage for funbags. So, set some time aside for yourself.
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With most of these gacha games, there's a splash screen with a hottie you can pick from on your team and switch them out. For at least the two games I'll mention here, you can tap on her to make her jiggle or pose or otherwise react, and that's nice to watch. Unfortunately I can't get my phone to record screencap-video, so I can only provide stills.

First up is "Arena of Fate," which is ghetto as can be. It's made by some cheap Chinese company that tries to shave off Google's cuts of their profits by daisy-chaining or tunneling payments through Stripe, PayPal, etc. inside the app. But I like it because it has a high ratio of uber-busty chicks in it, and you can acquire a whole lot of them for free with some diligence. Again, all these chicks wobble and animate when you tap them on your home screen. Some of them you have to pay extra for a skin, like the chick on the race car. Personally, I've had issues with the game letting me pay for it, I'd gladly do so, but the "Get" button just does nothing, some kinda bug. :/ But I've seen other players use her in that skin, so it must be possible, maybe you need an iPhone connection or something. Devs are useless if you ask about it in their customer service Dis-cord. Regardless, I actually had fun playing thing game at some point, until I ran out of "waifus" I could pick up for free, and found myself literally unable to BUY the remaining ones. Their loss, I'll just throw yungfreckz some OF cash instead, because she's earned it, and made it easy for me to pay her.

Oh btw, in an effort to evade Google Pay's commissions from the dev, they've released this game under multiple front apps. "Arena of Fate," "Goddess of Fate IV: Lilith," "Soul Awakening Adventure," "Ultimate Arena of Fate," look at the graphics and you can see these are all the same game. The idea is they submit it to Google Play's automatic vetting service, and because it's named different, it debugs and checks for trojans and shit and passes the same game off under different titles. But all of them go back to the same servers, the same "behind the lines" charge services, to pay the same dev team under the table. It's sorta bullshit. But hey, the titties are way better than say, Destiny Child, Azure Lane, Valiant Force and the others that get a "big boobs" rep on Reddit. Fucking bush league "tit men" over there. (For what it's worth, "Last Origin," a desktop-only game you can get on Steam, has a wide range of breast sizes on it, many of their units land in our happy zone. But I've never played it, and I am leery about downloading it since I share my Steam library with my wife and son, but... Some heavy hitters there, I'll tip off a few faves in a later reply.)


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Next up we have Echocalypse, a new entry to the gacha genre. It doesn't have that many huge titty recruits, but it has the distinct honor of having cut-scenes before certain special moves that really show off the ladies' assets. In particular, this demon chick Lindell, who plays this movie every time she uses her special attack. An animation can be found here:

There's also an angel who supports her titties using leather straps from her spear held in a titfuck position for no reason at all. Her movie is disappointing, but you can set her as your home screen girl and poke her all you want to watch her jiggle up and down the spear. There are other decent sized chicks like the one with the sexy mole by her nipple shown here, but they're not nearly as exciting.


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Last, based on an anime "Queen's Blade" that I would highly recommend due to the characters Cattelya (a MILF blacksmith in purple) and Melpha (a busty nun), there is a gacha game called Queen's Blade Limit Break, which I actually do NOT recommend. It is incredibly tedious, near impossible to steer random number generation chances in your favor, and just plain takes forever to access the glorious, glorious breasts you came for. Worse, 99% of the other recruit options just aren't worthy of mention in this forum, it is ONLY Cattleya and Melpha who are worth it, and even then, Melpha comes in two flavors and one of them is nerfed, as far as cup sizes go, so... Yeah, a lot of work for very little return, unless you find this sort of autistic gacha gameplay entertaining enough to pursue on its own. Otherwise, I suggest you just find seasons 1 and 2 of the anime.


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Managed to cap a few more different frames of Lindell today.


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Echocalypse continues to be updated, but I've learned the Asian version is better for titties. You have to hack your phone to side load it and circumvent the Google Play Store. This update is from the Asian version.


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