FrostyVoodoo's Busty Babes Index And Score Calculator


TiTs Posting Baron
Dec 20, 2020
Reaction score
For a long time, I've pondered what's beyond just the simple, "she's my favorite". Yep, we all have them. Mine is Milena Velba. But, I kept asking myself how we quantify this stuff objectively. Err...relatively objectively. I recognize even this attempt to automate this process logically still has a lot of holes, no pun intended, but I feel like it's a fun tool just to play with. You can figure out who ranks what based on your own input and these females actual traits.

A couple notes.
1) I started this way back in 2013.
2) It requires Excel.
3) Each column is labeled and has an associated pop-up box with some notations on what the column does or what to do with it
4) The thinking head icons are the columns where you input data. This is where you'll do most of your inputs.
5) The lock icons columns is data that should only change when a real-life parameter changes or should not be changed because the cell is auto calculated.
6) This is not an all-inclusive list, but most of the popular busty hotties are on here.
7) There may be band / cup inaccuracies, most of these bra sizes came from boobpedia. Some guess work was needed.
8) The fantasy simulator at the far right is just for fun and role play.
9) The thin columns just before the simulation area is for sorting and then marking top 10's, then next group into tiers so you can see where each model ranks at a glance and how some models may benefit across multiple columns.
10) Use the column arrow drop downs to sort scores from high to low, or low to high for that column.
11) If you have any questions on how it functions, feel free to inquire.
12) This is completely my construct, but feel free to change it as you see fit, just acknowledge me if you repost an altered version, please.

Enjoy !

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For a long time, I've pondered what's beyond just the simple, "she's my favorite". Yep, we all have them. Mine is Milena Velba. But, I kept asking myself how we quantify this stuff objectively. Err...relatively objectively. I recognize even this attempt to automate this process logically still has a lot of holes, no pun intended, but I feel like it's a fun tool just to play with. You can figure out who ranks what based on your own input and these females actual traits.

A couple notes.
1) I started this way back in 2013.
2) It requires Excel.
3) Each column is labeled and has an associated pop-up box with some notations on what the column does or what to do with it
4) The thinking head icons are the columns where you input data. This is where you'll do most of your inputs.
5) The lock icons columns is data that should only change when a real-life parameter changes or should not be changed because the cell is auto calculated.
6) This is not an all-inclusive list, but most of the popular busty hotties are on here.
7) There may be band / cup inaccuracies, most of these bra sizes came from boobpedia. Some guess work was needed.
8) The fantasy simulator at the far right is just for fun and role play.
9) The thin columns just before the simulation area is for sorting and then marking top 10's, then next group into tiers so you can see where each model ranks at a glance and how some models may benefit across multiple columns.
10) Use the column arrow drop downs to sort scores from high to low, or low to high for that column.
11) If you have any questions on how it functions, feel free to inquire.
12) This is completely my construct, but feel free to change it as you see fit, just acknowledge me if you repost an altered version, please.

Enjoy !
Very interesting, certainly the thinking man's way to categorize these women. You have put a lot of time and thought into this, however since the decision to choose your favorite (mine is Abbi Secraa now and forever), is emotional your formula is like using Einstein's Theory of Relativity to decide if you want an ice cream cone or a twinkie. My thinking is go with your gut. Not a put down, just my opinion, I'm sure this formula works for you and other guys. Thanks Voodoo.
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Interesting. Thanks for putting the time in. I was thinking of something in excel categorising based on bust vs height as.i like them short and very stacked. This has given more food for thought.
Very interesting, certainly the thinking man's way to categorize these women. You have put a lot of time and thought into this, however since the decision to choose your favorite (mine is Abbi Secraa now and forever), is emotional your formula is like using Einstein's Theory of Relativity to decide if you want an ice cream cone or a twinkie. My thinking is go with your gut. Not a put down, just my opinion, I'm sure this formula works for you and other guys. Thanks Voodoo.
Well, the truth of the matter is, this doesn't change my favorite either. Case in point MV doesn't even make it to any of my top tens despite my scoring. It's just a fun tool and MV is still my gut favorite.