Ever heard about a woman’s breasts before you met her?


Active Member
Nov 25, 2018
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Have you ever heard about a woman you hadn’t yet met (perhaps a friend of a friend or a work colleague you’d yet to come across) and the enormity of her breasts was the first thing you learned about her?

I say this because I’ve been hearing for a few weeks about such a woman in my outer social circle and all I know is she is hugely busty. I’ve been playing it cool and haven’t wanted to ask too many questions so I’m not sure whether she is actually just a double-D or is so huge she can’t get bras in normal stores. I’m currently just enjoying the mystery but I will find out!

Has this happened to anyone? Maybe you were even set up with a woman you were told had huge tits. Were the boobs a disappointment or did they live up to the hype?
Oh, yes. Via a girl I knew at work, and then i asked her out after being directed to her myspace in 2007, and thereafter meeting her in a few bars. 32GG. I had a few other guys to "fight off", so to speak, but she ended up with me. She ended up being the mother of my third beautiful kid. We're no longer together, but still get on and it all functions well and amicably.

I'm always kinda amazed that none of her pics from that era are here, on this website. Quite famous tits at the time, on the scene in my city here.
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Oh, yes. Via a girl I knew at work, and then i asked her out after being directed to her myspace in 2007, and thereafter meeting her in a few bars. 32GG. I has a few other guys to "fight off", so to speak, but she ended up with me. She ended up being the mother of my third beautiful kid. We're no longer together, but still get on and it all functions well and amicably.

I'm always kinda amazed that none of her pics from that era are here, on this website. Quite famous tits at the time, on the scene in my city here.
feel free to share 🙂
I wish.

I had quite the collection of her post-breakup, but a jealous young ex (38F) went through my laptop and deleted them in 2011. (Now the 38F I do have a lot of from over the last ten years; too dangerous to share though...and I know that's a bit of a TitsinTops faux pas, saying you have stuff but can't share. It could really cost me, without her permission).

I have teased her (the 32GG ex) about modelling bras lately when we've had a few glasses of Montepulciano, but probs best that the past is left in the past, in this case. I was testing the waters though, gotta say.
Everytime I hear a dude saying that a girl I don't know is busty, i get prepaired for meeting her 😎. I keep calm until the meet and most of the times I discover she is not so busty 😱. Some fellas have a different scale than mine related to boobs.

It only happened once in my job I met a real busty girl for me, LOL. She was married and had two children. So sad.
The inverse can happen if you're known as the "tit-man" in the vicinity. And, thus, the girl is prepped and chances go awry.
I think that in general we tit-guys are more reserved about it, I hear more comments related to butts. I once met a dude who wasn't reserved about how much he liked big tits, obviously he could only fuck flat ones. The busty ones ran away from him 🤣 and his gf always said she hated big titty sluts 😆.
Often and without fail they turn out to be average. It got to the point that when my mate was at Uni I told him to get a bra size before telling me about any more really 'big' girls.
I used to have a girlfriend (32F) who had a friend who was apparently so large she was getting a reduction. She wouldn't even let me meet her as she feared I'd run off with her (which could well have happened). This was well before social media so I never got to meet or even see a photo of this remarkable woman but I used to fantasise about her nevertheless. Then I found out she'd had the reduction and my interested evaporated.
Often and without fail they turn out to be average.
You beat me to it. Usually (not always) when friends describe some lady's breasts as being "massive" I'll get my hopes up, then have them dashed when I finally see her and discover she's only a D-cup and sometimes only a C-cup. Then I'm like:


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Often and without fail they turn out to be average. It got to the point that when my mate was at Uni I told him to get a bra size before telling me about any more really 'big' girls.


I kinda remember this happening to me, but don't remember the exact context. Some guy talking about "and she has big boobs." I don't even get too enthused, thinking (in my mind! Don't say it out loud) "show, don't tell."

I eventually meet the broad or somehow came across her and....🙄

Thinking to myself "people always telling tales"
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But y'know, I geddit.

It's an intrigue or like an ambient turn on/arousal that there's a (hopefully soon to be revealed,) mystery woman whose salient feature are the size of her breasts.

Know it can lead to all sorts of self-loathing, resentment 'n stuff, but I always found the idea of knowing a woman who's defined by her big tits a (theoretical) turn on.

I do know of such a woman and tbh she's not particularly appealing to me, but the idea's still nice.
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I did hear of someone describing my woman's tits to his friend. "You've got to meet this woman. Her tits are bigger than her head!" he exclaimed.

I felt that was an accurate description for scale. Many people's idea of "big" seems to relate to the C-cups they see every day. Those of us with J cups swinging around the house the whole time are spoiled. But I would still expect "big" to mean F cup or larger.
I think that in general we tit-guys are more reserved about it, I hear more comments related to butts. I once met a dude who wasn't reserved about how much he liked big tits, obviously he could only fuck flat ones. The busty ones ran away from him 🤣 and his gf always said she hated big titty sluts 😆.
lmao I respect him. Not lying.
Everytime I hear a dude saying that a girl I don't know is busty, i get prepaired for meeting her 😎. I keep calm until the meet and most of the times I discover she is not so busty 😱. Some fellas have a different scale than mine related to boobs.

It only happened once in my job I met a real busty girl for me, LOL. She was married and had two children. So sad.

Most definitely. A, C cup is considered big to some people.

I don’t even get excited unless she is larger than a 38H.

Don’t even get me started on this 32GG bullshit either. Because a 32GG is a 32H, or 34G, or 36F or 38E or 38DD.
Do “ENORMOUS, GIGANTIC, HUGE” breasted in bold letters forum posts count?

I can’t recall how many times I’ve read that thread title/ description and opened up the post to find a D cup posted. It’s the ultimate bait and switch.
Not breasts but nipples.My ex told me about her half sister who had small breasts but huge nipples.We visited her once and even over the sloppy jumper she was wearing I could see something going on.Unbelievably she suggested we go to the beach.She stripped off to a light blue bikini and I swear you could dangle a few coat hangers on them.And then we went for a swim and it seemed like they doubled in size and I was trying so hard not to look and keeping the old boy downstairs in check.My ex said to her the ‘waters cold ‘to which she replied ‘yes my nipples have gone out to lunch’.She then flipped down her top and said ‘Nope they are still there’.I have never seen such big nipples in the flesh before or since.
Most definitely. A, C cup is considered big to some people.

I don’t even get excited unless she is larger than a 38H.

Don’t even get me started on this 32GG bullshit either. Because a 32GG is a 32H, or 34G, or 36F or 38E or 38DD.
I mostly agree but the part about those sizes being the same just wait right.

A girl who is really a 32gg wouldn’t fit well in a 38dd. 6 extra inches of extra band and an out of proportioned cup doesn’t mean it fits. Scaling up on band size and shrinking cups doesn’t really work like that.

Do you work at Victoria’s Secret or something? that’s where these women come to believe this kind of bra sizing logic, sales people trying to fit them in anything that will clasp, just get them to buy.
Back in my post-grad days, went out for drinks with a buddy and his sister, they got talking about a party they went to and the story revolved around their friend Marina who they would do the huge boobs outstretched cupping hands motion whenever they said her name. Naturally I was interested but figure chances of meeting her would be slim without seeming obvious. Couple months later they host a halloweeen party and huge tits Marina turns up. She was a petite cutie with GG/H cups and she brought home made pie.

Unfortunately I went with a mutual friend who was a skinny chick that was very much into me but the feeling was not reciprocated as she was stick thin with no curves. She stuck to me like white on rice throughout the evening.

At one point after waiting in line to get my slice of pie from big tits Marina and sizing up her tits, I used my slice of pie as a reference point as I was muttering to myself how big her tits must have been while staring at my plate of pie. Skinny chick thought I was so into the food that I was talking to it. I didn't have the heart to tell her what was really going through my mind.
Great question. I know its happened a few times. The one that haunts me, a few students from Laos went to a house party out of town. They all came back talking about a chick they dubbed 'the TommyKnockers' her tits were so huge.