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  1. D

    Victoria Catherina

    I saw her twice. First time maybe 2013 and she was old but sexy with those big tits and she wasn't sloppy. Came in and she gave me a kiss as she could tell I was turned on by the cleavage. Don't remember much about the sex so couldn't be too memorable. Saw her again a few years later and she...
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    Maya F / Mayaxfranco (from the IDaM&R sub-forum)

    When her OF started, I tried to sweet talk/proposition her into meeting up for some private time. In a very unaggressive way but still got nowhere. With that said, seems like a smart girl that wants to be treated as a professional and yeah the boobies would've taken away from that and she's...
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    Maya F / Mayaxfranco (from the IDaM&R sub-forum)

    Its pics from her VSCO page so nothing new, already posted above is one of the pics of her in bikini white in the effectively a ripoff, don't get scammed.
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    The Biggest Tits You Have Seen, or Got Your Hands On (Real Life Only please)?

    Biggest would be a massage parlour chick maybe 13 years ago. They were I think 34gg and she was relatively slim. Not tons of mileage but she ended up giving a long side table titfuck, then after that she sort of mumbled to herself and me, "are you ready to cum for me", while taking my cock in...
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    colleen.333 - 19yo thick busty brunette

    Is it just me or is she getting bigger everywhere but her boobs aren't growing bigger in proportion? Like what seems to normally happen when these busty babes pack on the pounds. I find that strange, like that Scuyler Thornton chick has gained weight but her tits have grown cartoonishly big or...
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    Maya F / Mayaxfranco (from the IDaM&R sub-forum)

    Incredible body, what a hottie. Maybe hottest chick on here...what a rack.
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    My co-worker has the biggest titties.

    I'm going to throw this out there, anyone else think this whole thing is a scam where this guys the boyfriend and they're wanting to put out their onlyfans content, but want it all to be some fever dream come to life? This chick is ummm, mad average compared to other hotties on here.
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    Maya F / Mayaxfranco (from the IDaM&R sub-forum)

    This is from awhile ago but the bikini pic I mentioned.
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    Maya F / Mayaxfranco (from the IDaM&R sub-forum)

    If I subscribe again I'll post the one pic missing from this collection. It's nothing special but still hot and you get another sense of her hourglass hips as well. Too bad it's not 5 years ago or she'd probably be working at a rub and tug
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    Maya F / Mayaxfranco (from the IDaM&R sub-forum)

    Thanks for the warning, as I just joined so knew what to expect. Will see how it goes as her body is crazy, nice hourglass hips too on a slim chick.
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    Fan Titfucks

    Sorry for the late re up but any details you can share? Love Crystal gunns
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    Agustina G.

    Is it possible, even remotely, that these are very well done implants? Or am I just out to lunch.