Megan Bitchell (Nudes)

Wish she would turn around and show off her ass more…. It’s nice.
Meg a bouncing away 🙂

Found on another forum, credit to OP.


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Gave Meg an assist to her count down audio. Tried to keep it interesting, like Meg.
Nice work! Really good edit!

Speaking of, I saw someone elsewhere suggest combining the comedy tit bounce explaining she's bouncing with the latest gif, if anyone wants an idea for one.
Patreon lets you sell videos (download only). Let's hope decides to use this feature...
kindly requesting someone work upscaling AI magic on these
I can upscale these, but I'd prefer to have the original GIFs to work from, just to ensure the highest quality output. When a GIF is converted to MP4 there's gonna be very minor blurring of the image. Although I don't know how much of an effect this would have on the upscaling process, if any. The upscales may come out looking the same either way.
Presumably the original GIFs are too large to post directly in this thread, considering how high the frame rate and resolution are on these new ones. If anyone here has access to the original GIFs, I'd appreciate if you could find a way to share them here, using a separate image host if you have to. If not, I can try upscaling the video versions that were posted.
Oh I should have said side by side edit with the comedy bit but this nails it too so hell yeah, thanks strangelov!