A bud wrote up a bit on clothed titfucking…


Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
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(A buddy of mine was talking to a very well endowed model that ended up being steered towards titfucking. She hadn’t looked into the act before and wanted to know more about titfucking and its variations so which she wanted to know more about clothed titfucking, he provided a pretty accurate telling. Do note that the language here isn’t his first but I did ask first if it could be shared and he gave the go ahead. Post any thoughts you might have on the write up.

“Not to worry, clothed titfucking is a foreign concept of deliberate foreplay to most! Mostly because it might have originated as a true variation of titfuck in foreign lands haha. I apologize if the report is long but I hope it will help with clarity and understanding.

Clothed titfuck: the act of titfucking while wearing a top that obscures some/all of the breasts or naturally holds the breasts firmly, helping create a fantasy of ejaculation in the breasts clothed in different outfits.

While this variation of the act can be seen as the “in a hurry”, “voyeur”, or “lazy” version of a titfuck, it has many deeper meanings and purposes. Titfucking is incredibly pleasurable (one of the most pleasurable in my book) because it involves the woman’s heavenly bosom and the control stick of a man. It is common knowledge that the bigger the breasts are, the more the pleasure increases. This pleasure reaches an ascension point when the breasts are large enough that the dick cannot be seen. When a man has the dick between breasts that completely cover the dick, it affects the body AND mind. The man can feel the dick in the woman’s marshmallow embrace but cannot see his own stick. Rather than create an inferiority complex, the pleasure from this fact is multiplied in the mind and creates an even sexier atmosphere because the stick has been swallowed up in soft milking embrace. In other countries we relate this instance to being inside of a warm womb. It is because the body feels the stick become completely engulfed that the mind is also treated to an illusion that the dick is inside of a womb, creating a double layered pleasure. Let’s move on to why titfucking with clothes on triples this experience!

In videos where viewers cannot be the recipient (and because the audience cannot be the recipient), it is important to create a connection between audience and actual recipient of the titfuck. This can be done with making a situation that makes them both think “This/that feels amazing!”. This is already done with huge breasts that eat the dick and chew it lovingly because both are thinking about the meat within the breasts along the same manner. Clothed titfucking adds another layer to all of this in many ways and is truly an art form. By creating a scenario that holds the breasts in a familiar/sexy way, the thoughts of the dick being buried within the breasts begins to multiply. “I’ve entered a warm, inescapable oven filled with dough”, “she looks incredible in this outfit and my dick is in there with her compressing cleavage!” while the viewer is allowed to think: “that must feel incredible to be locked away with engulfing breasts in such a cage match” or “I’ve always wanted to see a titfuck in this kind of outfit!” or even “Ah, the dick is trapped within the shirt now. It has become an unsurvivable situation. Let’s hear and see the dick become bullied by the breasts behind closed doors.”

A key feature of clothed titfucks is also the moment of ejaculation if the breasts are fully obscured. The senses for both the recipient and audience come into play with bodily shudders, the sounds of the moans of orgasm, the woman’s knowing smile. These things, which can happen even during a regular titfuck, now become enhanced for the audience because they can’t rely on only sight, making them feel even more connected to the experience. The recipient will also feel an enhanced pleasure by knowing they are cumming between the breasts while still under the woman’s clothing, enhancing the womb type feeling mentioned earlier. However, both the viewer and recipient become linked when the woman’s top is pulled to slowly show the ejaculation that has been deposited. It is like eating the cherry on icecream. Whether it is a bikini, tank top, regular bra, or shirt that completely obscures the breasts, clothed titfucking creatures a pleasurable experience for the senses of both recipient and audience! It is also good to note that another layer of pleasure of clothed titfucking comes from the color contrast between the skin of the girl and her top as it makes the mind appreciate the beauty of the girl even more. A brief history of the prevalence of clothed titfucking is next!

While there is a large portion of the titfuck community that only likes to see the bare breasts during the act, it is usually those that are inexperienced in the many forms of titfucking. I will not say that bare breasts are bad (of course not) but not being able to appreciate techniques is terrible and not good for sexual health. A few years after myself and a group of others introduced the western porn sites to eastern ways of titfucking, a large boom erupted in the wake. Not only did eastern titfuck begin to have an effect on the natural techniques of westerners but so did the different ways in which they were done. Because clothed titfucking (or 着衣パイズリ) is just as popular in the east as regular titfucking, if not more, it was a popular gift to be shown off in the west during this time. Before many videos on Pornhub were taken down, it was a large place for the “sports bra” titfuck videos to debut. Even if you search now, many western couples indulged in this act when it became popular. All because the mind was unlocked to something it had subconsciously longed to feel and see. The craze of sportsbra and regular bra titfucks became popular in the west for around 6-7 years before becoming commonplace as the west started to merge its titfuck community with the east. I am thankful to have a hand in bringing such an amazing technique to many lives and enhancing the world of breast pleasure for everyone. Even now just searching sports bra, bra, tank top titfucking will bring much proof that the variation is very well recognized and received.”

(He also adds that a plus of clothed titfucking is that you’re able to add as much lubricant as you want without either party losing grip on the breasts.)